I have to be one of the luckiest people in the world: I have two wonderful kids. My son is an architect and my daughter, with a PhD in physics, is a college professor; he works and she's now not working to be at home and take care of her two little girls.
Almost two years ago, after the birth of her youngest, she became interested in Bikram Yoga, which is an intense yoga performed in a hot and humid room. It works as she is in excellent shape, both body and mind. She took me to a session a few months ago, in late summer. Dallas is hot in summer, and the room was hotter. I can only say that it is one of the hardest ninety-minute workouts I've ever done - I must have sweat a gallon of water - but I felt absolutely great the rest of the day; unfortunately, my IOP was up over 20 when I checked it after the yoga.
Yesterday I was delighted that after a less intense and not so hot yoga session my IOP read in the 16 range on both eyes. I will continue with yoga and start up my bike riding as my wife and I got too busy with other things and have been lax at going strong with a most enjoyable sport.
Getting back to my daughter; she and her family visited us for three weeks during the holidays. She became very interested in helping me lower my IOP to safe levels without medicines. She got on the computer and did some diligent research, including lots of reading in FitEyes and other natural-health sites. Back home she put together a great PowerPoint presentation that gives me a 6 month challenge with diet, exercise and stress-free living. Here's the cover sheet:
I got it a couple of days ago and I'm very proud of it; she put a lot of work on it and the suggestions are excellent, which doesn't surprise me since she and her husband are so much into healthy living and eating. If it works she will probably allow me to share it. I will give it a strong effort and report on progress.
- Maurice Dubois's blog
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