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Home » Home » Diet, Eye Pressure and GlaucomaSalad as Superfood
Here are some pictures of my superfood salad along with the recipe.
While the recipe calls for a specific amount of various healthy oils, I add balsamic, red wine and apple cider vinegars to taste after the salad is served.
The salad is an entire meal! It is delicious. I can live on this along with water and some fruits. Note that while there is no animal protein in this salad, there is ghee! Most people find that shocking, however, I assure you that it makes for the perfect salad.
The exact ingredients vary from salad to salad. For example, most of the time there is no lettuce in the salad -- it is primarily curly kale! But in the photo above you see some lettuce was part of that salad.
This is today's salad and the recipe follows below. All ingredients are certified organic and non-GMO.
- 2 Clusters of Curly Kale
- 1 Cluster Celery
- 2 Clusters of Cilantro
- 2 Clusters of Basil
- 2 Large Carrots
- 1 Zucchini
- 1/2 Head of Cauliflower
- 1/2 Package of Alfalfa Sprouts
- 2 Limes Squeezed
- sprouted mix of mung bean, adzuki, lentil and peas
- 1 Can Eden Organic BPA-free Garbanzo Beans
- 1 Can Aduki Beans Organic BPA-free by Eden Foods
- 2 Tbsp Flax Seed Oil Certified Organic by NOW Foods
- 3 Tbsp Olive Oil
- 2 Tbsp Sesame Oil
- 2 Tbsp Pumpkin Seed Oil (coming soon to FitEyes eStore)
- 1 Tbsp Avocado Oil
- 1 tsp Macadamia Nut Oil (optional)
- Handful of Pumpkin Seeds Certified Organic by NOW Foods
- 1 Tbsp (heaping) Flax Seed Meal Certified Organic by NOW Foods (optional)
- 2 Tbsp Friendly Fats Sprouted Flax and Chia by HealthForce
- 4 Tbsp Vitamineral GREEN powder by HealthForce
- 1 Scoop Raw Fiber by Garden of Life (coming soon to FitEyes eStore)
- 2 Tbsp Ancient Organics Ghee, 16 oz.
- 1 Tbsp Goat Mineral Whey(coming soon to FitEyes eStore)
- 2 tsp Cumin Seeds
- 2 tsp Ground Cumin
- 2 tsp Turmeric Powder by Banyan Botanicals
- 2 tsp Ground Coriander
- 1/4 tsp Ground Black Pepper (less in summer, more in winter)
- 1/2 tsp Nori Flakes
- 3 tsp Dill
- other medicinal spices according to season and to Ayurvedic principles.
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