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Filter Gmail for FitEyes Email Discussion Group Messages
For mail forwarding to folder in Gmail:
Simple Option:
1. Open a message from the Discussion Group
2. Click on the “More” button at the top of the Gmail window and select “Filter messages like these”
3. The field “Has the words” should already be populated with “list:(”
4. Click “Create filter with this search”
5. Select:
- “Skip the inbox”
- “Never send to spam”
- “Apply the label”
6. For the selection “Apply the label” click “Choose label” and then “New label”. Name the new label “FitEyes Discussion Group” (or whatever you want).
7. Click “Create” (to create this new label)
8. Click “Create filter” and optionally “Also apply to -- matching conversations”
Advanced option (with more functionality):
(Adapted from a post in Google Groups by David)With the great increase in traffic on the FitEyes Discussion list, I decided to upgrade the way I organize my emails. Because I use GMail, this is very easily accomplished with labels and multiple inboxes. (It can also be done with labels alone, but Multiple Inboxes is very convenient.)
This information is for GMail users. Others can do something similar with almost any email client, but you'll have to check the help on your own software. (If you do this with another email client, please respond with your steps with the FitEyes group, as I did below.) I personally came up with something that is a little more advanced than the tutorial above, but that gives me exactly the functionality I want. I want a completely separate inbox for all the FitEyes Discussion emails. Here is exactly how I accomplished that.
*First, create two labels ("FitEyes Discussion" and "FitEyes Discussion Unread").*
Gmail > Gear Icon > Mail Settings > Filters
Create a filter
Has the words: “list:(”
Click "Next Step" button
Check "Skip Inbox"
Check "Never send it to Spam"
Check "Apply the label" : New label
New Label name: FitEyes Discussion
Click "Create Label"
Click "Create Filter" (optionally check "Also apply filter to the conversations below.")
*While still in settings, create a second filter almost identical to the first*:
Click "Create a filter" under the Filters tab in gmail settings, as above.
Has the words: “list:(”
Click "Next Step" button
Check "Skip Inbox"
Check "Never send it to Spam"
Check "Apply the label" : New label
New Label name: FitEyes Discussion Unread
Check "Nest label under:" and choose the "FitEyes Discussion" label you created above
Click "Create Label"
Click "Create Filter" (optionally check "Also apply filter to the conversations below.")
*Next, and optionally, enable GMail's Multiple Inboxes.*
Gmail > Gear Icon > Labs
Enable multiple inboxes in labs.
Then go back to gmail settings and go to Multiple Inboxes settings.
Gmail > Gear Icon > Mail Settings > Multiple Inboxes (tab)
In Pane 0 enter these values:
Search query: label:fiteyes-discussion-fiteyes-discussion-unread
Panel title (optional): FitEyes Discussion
Set Maximum page size: Show 20 conversations per page for the new inbox panes (use any value you wish. I use 20.)
Click "Save Changes"
If you are using multiple inboxes, you will see a completely separate inbox for all FitEyes Discussion emails. To mark a message as read, simply remove the "FitEyes Discussion Unread" label. The message will disappear from your FitEyes Discussion inbox. (But the message will be archived under the other label created above, so you can go back and find it again easily.) None of these messages will clutter up your inbox.
If you are not using multiple inboxes, you can accomplish the same result simply by clicking on the label "FitEyes Discussion Unread" (which is nested under "FitEyes Discussion"). You can "archive" messages the same way I just described.