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All books and media materials that you will find in our eStore have at some point been recommended by Dave or our members and mentioned in the FitEyes Discussion Group. Each book on this list will contribute toward your improved health and your ability to better manage your intraocular pressure. Pick one of the titles that resonates with you and start reading!
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Featured Books
Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight Naturally! (Book) |
![]() The book comes highly recommended by Dave and our members who have interest in Bates method of natural vision improvement. "Relearning to See" enjoys highest ratings among Amazon customers and is considered to be one of the best and most comprehensive books on its topic. |
Take Off Your Glasses and See: A Mind/Body Approach to Expanding Your Eyesight and Insight (Book) |
![]() This revolutionary look at vision will broaden your understanding of how you see and how you can see without your glasses or contact lenses. The book shows you how to free yourself from the crutch of prescription lenses, to build your self-confidence and awareness, and to open up your inner and outer vision in order to see more clearly. |
Better Eyesight: The Complete Magazines of William H. Bates (Book) |
![]() An array of people with vision problems write about their experiences with the Bates Method and giving up their glasses in "Better Eyesight". Major eye conditions (myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, presbyopia, cataract, glaucoma, blindness) are discussed by Bates, other ophthalmologists, the medical community, and readers. |
The Genie in Your Genes (Book) |
![]() The author explains epigentic (DNA based) healing, then gives the everyday applications. Dawson Church goes on to discuss "consciousness as medicine" and what he refers to as "routine miracles". And this discussion is simple, practical, and impeccably referenced to research. |
The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health (Book) |
![]() T. Colin Campbell has made a career of challenging the conventional wisdom around nutrition, and this book is the culmination of his work. His integrity, brilliance, and unflinching courage shine through every page. "The China Study" takes a macro, bird's eye view of what we eat. The book is part intellectual biography, part nutrition guide, and part expose. As Campbell writes, "This is the story of how food can change our lives." Indeed it is. |
The HeartMath Solution: The Institute of HeartMath's Revolutionary Program for Engaging the Power of the Heart's Intelligence (Book) |
![]() The HeartMath Solution may easily be written off as a book too eccentric for widespread public consumption, and that's unfortunate. But it contains 30 years of research that have shown that the heart's "intelligence" affects emotions and physical health--especially when it comes to handling stress. |
Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition) (Book) |
![]() One of the Top 100 Spiritual Books of the 20th century. Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the best-selling Eastern philosophy titles of all-time, with millions of copies sold. |
Quiet Your Mind: An Easy-to-Use Guide to Ending Chronic Worry and Negative Thoughts and Living a Calmer Life (Book) |
![]() Stopping the constant "chatter" of the mind — is it possible in today's world? People have so much to juggle, schedule, discuss, and think about, how can they slow it all down? Won't they miss out? In fact, John Selby points out that our nation's thinkaholic ways result in such detrimental effects as high stress, insomnia, anxiety attacks, and negative, self-critical attitudes. |
Freedom from Disease: How to Control Free Radicals, a Major Cause of Aging and Disease (Book) |
![]() The director of cancer prevention and natural products research at Ohio State University here describes the modern prevention-oriented natural health system maharishi ayur-ved, which is related to the ancient Indian health program known as ayurveda. |
Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Revised Edition (Book) |
![]() This is a book that will let you live longer, reduce your need for medications, and improve your health dramatically. It is a book that will change the way you want to eat. Most importantly, if you follow the Eat To Live™ diet, you will lose weight faster than you ever thought possible. |
Featured Videos
Yoga for Your Eyes (DVD) |
![]() These proven techniques - many drawn from the principles of Tibetan yoga - relax and retrain the visual system to help us see the world with less strain, greater acuity, and a more spacious visual field. |