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More about the action of vinpocetine and glaucoma

Submitted by Agnes on Fri, 08/14/2009 - 8:40pm





Vinpocetine is a new addition to the class of “smart drugs,” a class which have a specific effect on the chemical reactions that go on inside cells, to invigorate the brain and make it work normally. Vinpocetine, when taken regularly allows the brain to make better use of oxygen and energy.

The brain accounts for only 2% of total body weight, however it receives between 15% to 20% of the blood, in order to enable it to receive energy from the sugar glucose.

The brain only has small reserves of energy, and they can be expended within a minute, if they have to be used.

This means that proper brain function depends upon good blood
flow, oxygen and glucose supply.

Vinpocetine’s Effects
Vinpocetine is able to intensively increase blood supply to the brain.
Vinpocetine improves the use of oxygen by the brain, and therefore its abilities to resist damage due to a lack of oxygen.

Vinpocetine has the following features;
(A) Is effective when taken orally.
(B) Selectively improves blood supply to the brain.
(C) Does not cause slowed heart rate or low blood pressure.
(D) Increases the use of oxygen by the brain.
(E) Increases the tolerance of the brain to a lack of oxygen.
(F) Increases vasodilatation due to a lack of oxygen.
(G) Enhances the use of glucose by brain cells.
(H) Increases ATP levels in the brain.
(I) Stops blood from becoming thick.
(J) Raises the amount of serotonin, which has an activating effect on the brain.
(K) Is non toxic, even when dosages are several times higher than those normally used.
(L) Is not harmful to the central nervous system.

Medical Trials
It has been proven by using a variety of methods, in a large number of medical studies and with thousands of people, that Vinpocetine improves blood circulation, oxygen uptake and glucose utilization by the brain.

The degree to which the chemical reactions of the brain are improved depends upon the level of oxygen in the brain. Vinpocetine has its first effect on damaged areas of the brain and has been proven to produce positive effects for at least 70% of its users.

The main areas in which Vinpocetine have been used are brain disorders, treatment of the signs of aging, defects of the eye, ear, nose and throat problems.

Healthy Individuals
A study of 12 healthy female volunteers who took Vinpocetine in dosages of 10mg, 20mg and 40mg daily was crossed referenced to a group on placebos.

On the third day of treatment a number of tests were undertaken, in order to determine the levels of memory. In all of the Vinpocetine treated group, memory was found to have been significantly improved especially so for those taking 40mg daily.

It was expected that even better results would be seen if
treatment was continued for longer periods.

Brain Disorders
Studies have reported that patients using Vinpocetine have shown improvement in 60% to 70% of cases after at least one month of therapy. Regular use of Vinpocetine can perform improvements in all of the following symptoms:

- Dizziness Numbness
- Poor co-ordination Tinnitus
- Unstable blood pressure Mild paralysis
- Speech disturbances Vertigo
- Poor concentration Bad memory
- Headaches Poor hearing
- Shoulder stiffness Neck stiffness
- Poor sleeping Anxiety
- Mood instability Insomnia
-Depression Irritability

In the healthy older person with no mental decline, Vinpocetine can give very good results.

Eyes and Ears
In the course of treating a group of over 800 patients for eye problems, a 71% improvement rate was obtained. The eye problems treated included macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. Vinpocetine improves the blood flow to the retina of the eye, eye sight is often improved, studies showed that 88% of those taking Vinpocetine, noticed an improvement in their vision.

Vinpocetine has also been used to treat ear problems such as presbyacusis (hearing loss due to old age), and cochleovestibular neuritis (inflamed nerves in the ear). The beneficial effects of Vinpocetine are due to an increased blood supply to the inner ear, the nerve and to the cortex of the brain.

Vinpocetine is a truly unique product in having so many brain enhancing effects. None of the other brain enhancers available have so many multiple effects. It is Vinpocetine’s blood flow improvements and its abilities to improve oxygen supply to the brain, which enables the brain to make better use of its energy and nutritional supplies.

The brain protecting and activating effects of Vinpocetine explain how the drug protects and enhances memory and thought processes. Vinpocetine can be used to treat the signs of senile dementia or mental decay. It can be used to treat poor blood circulation in the brain and progressive strokes. Vinpocetine can treat some symptoms of menopause, eye problems, ear and hearing
difficulties and dizziness.

Dosages and Side Effects
The Japanese have carried out extensive studies into the best dosages for Vinpocetine. The study concluded that dosages of 15mg to 30mg per day was the ideal standard, taken as either 1 or 2 tablets (5mg each) three times daily.

The maintenance dosage for longer periods for healthy individuals is 1 or 2 tablets (5mg each) daily.

I have only presented five pharmaceuticals each of which has a definite role in enhancing brain health – the key to healthy aging. These pharmaceuticals should be taken under the care of a physician. If you need a physician in your area knowledgeable in these medications, contact us at Eternity

"There's no question that my tinnitus has subsided whilst using the vinpocetine, but it's more than that I do feel better." F.H.G., Texas.

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