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Our Interactivity On This Blog

Submitted by dave on Mon, 03/24/2008 - 12:32pm

I would really enjoy it if all of you who read my blog would more frequently leave comments on my posts. I will be more motivated to write blog posts and to share more information if you, my readers, will leave more feedback. Please let me know what factors may be preventing you from interacting with me via this blog. Are there any technical difficulties with the website?

I have information related to intraocular pressure that is not available anywhere else in the world. I have not shared all of it here yet. Will you help motivate me to share it? Blogging would be more fun for me if we had more of a community feeling and more interactivity between us. Let me know what I can do to facilitate the building of an online community for the benefit of everyone who wants better visual health.

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