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hypoadrenal and glaucoma (my approach to glaucoma series) can adrenal cortex extract help cure glaucoma ?

hypoadrenal and glaucoma (my approach to glaucoma series) can adrenal cortex extract help cure glaucoma ?

Submitted by robekb on Sun, 05/16/2010 - 11:46am

In my search for possible glaucoma remedies I have been digging further into hypothyroid related themes.

It turns out that this condition is a very close relative of adrenal fatigue (80% of affected by adrenal fatigue have low thyroid function).

Also melatonin could also be affected by low adrenal/thyroid function, this could be one of the reasons why supplementing melatonin appears to help in glaucoma.

This is the bit that is probably of most interest to us:

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