healthy lifestyle

Quiet Your Mind: An Easy-to-Use Guide to Ending Chronic Worry and Negative Thoughts and Living a Calmer Life (Book)

Stopping the constant "chatter" of the mind — is it possible in today's world? People have so much to juggle, schedule, discuss, and think about, how can they slow it all down? Won't they miss out? In fact, John Selby points out that our nation's thinkaholic ways result in such detrimental effects as high stress, insomnia, anxiety attacks, and negative, self-critical attitudes.

About is currently the largest eye pressure research and glaucoma support community in the world. FitEyes also features information regarding general well-being, healthy lifestyle, nutrition, general fitness, and, in particular, overall eye health. This information includes, but is not limited to, articles, editorial content, blogs, published research, and members’ reviews, postings and discussions.

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