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Visual Field Examples

Submitted by Agnes on Wed, 09/30/2009 - 10:44pm



Visual Field Examples



Areas of visual field




The visual field below demonstrates a cecocentral scotoma and superior nasal step and inferior nasal step with some extension into the acruate bundle.




The visual field below demonstrates a central island, however you could also say superior altitudinal defect and inferior arcuate scotoma with nasal step.


The visual field below demonstrates a superior nasal step. The arrow is pointing to a blind spot on left eye.



The visual field below demonstrates a paracentral or cecocentral scotoma.



The visual field below demonstrates an incomplete inferior arcuate defect.



The visual field below demonstates a dense superior arcuate defect and nasal step.



The visual field below demonstrates a superior defect splits fixation extends into nasal step, not really an arcuate defect, the classic NTG field defect.



The visual field below demonstrates a more complete inferior arcuate defect and nasal step.

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