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Bad News Bad For IOP

Submitted by dave on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 10:59pm

There are a few interesting comments I can make about today's IOP data. First, the weight-lifting effect is present once again. Second, notice how watching "The Amazing Race" on TV raised my IOP. I can't really explain that, but I have seen the same thing happen so many times that I don't believe it is a coincidence. Watching the news, particularly when there is a lot of bad news, has a similar IOP-raising effect on me.

Today's overall average IOP values are:

Left 16.7; Right 19.4 (differential 2.7)

These averages are higher than the recent past and the differential is very unusual given that I used Timoptic in my right eye last night.

Here are today's full IOP values:

Time Left Right SD L SD R Comments
10:03 20.7 24.0 1.155 1.732  
15:25 16.7 22.7 1.528 2.517 working at computer
18.7   2.082 repeated, right eye only. Trying to relax
20.7   1.528 repeated, right eye only. Trying to relax
15:37 15.0 18.7 1.000 1.155 after brushing teeth
15:39 14.3 18.3 0.577 0.577 repeated, trying to relax
17:31 14.7 17.3 1.155 1.528 after 10m playing with my dog and 10m Bates long swing
17:34 15.3 15.4 1.528 0.548 relaxing breathing
18:08 15.0 17.3 1.732 1.528  
18:21 15.7 15.7 1.155 0.577 Immediately after 1 set barbell squats. Warmed up w/crunches & back ext.
18:23 14.0 14.7 1.000 1.155 after catching my breath
18:30 13.3 14.0 0.577 0.000 after finishing weight lifting.
18:48 14.0 15.0 0.000 1.000 after shower
18:52 13.7 15.3 0.577 1.155 repeated
19:30 21.0 23.3 4.000 1.155 reading news (a bit distressing)
19:56 20.0 20.3 1.000 0.577  
20:28 16.3 20.7 0.577 2.082 after eating
22:02 18.7 21.7 2.517 1.155 working at computer
22:32 15.3 22.7 1.528 2.309 after watching TV (Friends)
23:12 22.3 24.0 0.577 4.359 after watching TV (Amazing Race)
23:22 15.0 20.2 1.000 3.194 collected R.eye IOP values over 4m period
23:51 18.0 24.3 1.000 1.528 after laying down for 30m
2:35 18.3 21.3 0.577 1.528 working at computer
2:37 20.3 19.0 1.155 1.732 repeated, trying to relax

I used 1 drop of Xalatan in each eye at 11:45 PM.

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