Eye Pressure

A Comprehensive Program of Glaucoma Dietary Supplements

What follows is my personal approach to glaucoma supplementation. I have arrived at this approach after decades of intense personal study (on top of my education in biochemistry).

Your doctor's intraocular pressure measurements are "very sketchy evidence"

Submitted by dave on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 11:54am

From "Review of Ophthalmology":

most human IOP measurements are “snapshot” measurements—a single reading taken periodically in a doctor’s office. Any conclusions about the nature and impact of fluctuation have therefore been largely based on very sketchy evidence.

That statement, from a 2011 article by the Senior Editor of  "Review of Ophthalmology," captures the motivation that lead to the creation of FitEyes six years ago and that has continued to motivate our engagement with high frequency home eye pressure monitoring (where we recommend multiple measurements per day).

The article can be found here: http://www.revophth.com/content/c/28662/

Some of my favorite articles on FitEyes.com

Submitted by dave on Tue, 12/07/2010 - 3:03pm

FitEyes favorite articlesI think the following list represents some of the most informative and useful articles on FitEyes.com. There are thousands of articles on FitEyes.com, so many good ones will not be on this list. But this list is a good place to start reading if you are new to FitEyes.com. If you are not new to our site, please make sure you have seen these articles.

Please feel welcome to add comments to this post to mention your own favorite articles on FitEyes.com.

Mental, emotional and lifestyle factors are the powerful IOP influencers

Submitted by bstruss on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 10:15pm

I am learning so much more about these patterns and their effect on my IOP all the time. Recently, I had a major emotional crises with my family concerning a simple misunderstanding and lack of communication. Interestingly, my eye pressures did not rise in the first couple of days (though the stress was off the charts). However, after a couple of days, my eye pressures went crazy, and even with lumigan, I could hardly get them below 20s.

I love my new tonometer

Submitted by Maurice Dubois on Mon, 04/26/2010 - 11:38pm

First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I have to thank Dave for leading me to my purchase of my tonometer; what a fantastic instrument!

Several years ago, my ophthalmologist said that I probably had what is called "normal pressure" glaucoma; my pressure was usually 15-16 whenever he checked me, and the highest he ever recorded was 19 on my right eye. He told me to find a glaucoma specialist, so I did.

I went to the specialist for a couple of years, but several things discouraged me from continuing to see him. I found another ophthalmologist; she was somewhat younger and, I thought, perhaps less apt to be running a Speede Oil Change type of service, to see how many people she could get through her clinic in a day. She was a bit better at the latter, but she refused to give me a prescription for a tonometer. I left her and quickly acquired a tonometer prescription; and by the way, the requirement for a prescription for a non-contact tonometer is as silly as the need for me to have a real estate broker's license to sell real estate, or for a city to have building inspectors.

Special Glaucoma Nutraceuticals

  David's Recommended Product
Description Dose
OptiMSM 1000 mg MSM 90 caps by Paradise Herbs

David's Extra Supplements

  David's Recommended Product
Description Dose
Liver Rescue + 120 vcaps by HealthForce

David's Glaucoma Nutraceuticals

  David's Recommended Product
Description Dose
PeaPure 180 caps PEA Dietary Supplement

Best Glaucoma Nutraceuticals For Stopping Glaucoma Progression

Item   David's Recommended Product
Description Dose

Best Natural Glaucoma Dietary Supplements

This is my primary supplement program. But don't be tempted to rely solely on supplements instead of superfruits and superfoods.


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