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A Lazy Day

Submitted by dave on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 9:59am

I didn't sleep enough last night, and I felt a little dull today. Consequently, I just went through the motions in most of my activities today without pushing myself very hard -- and without putting much effort into the positive habits I've been developing, either. For example, I did not do any weight training today, nor did I  accomplish anything  extraordinary at work. I didn't get to cross off many items on my ToDo list. (Sometimes, that situation alone stresses me out, but today, I tried not to think about deadlines and I didn't put too much emphasis on my ToDo list.) My "laziness" today probably helped keep my IOP under control. There were two periods when my IOP started going up (my right eye reached 19 and 20) and both times I changed activities reasonably quickly and my IOP came back down. I took frequent breaks from work.

CookingI also took time to cook lunch for myself, and this resulted in one of the lowest combined (left eye plus right eye) IOP values of the day. The only lower value was late at night, and my IOP almost always shows a downward trend as it gets later in the evening.

Today's overall IOP values were good - similar to yesterday's values:

Left 14.1; Right 15.6 (differential 1.5)

These values are expected, based on past experience. It has been 4 days since I used Timoptic in my right eye. The differential gradually increases over time as the Timoptic wears off. I would expect tomorrow's differential to be slightly higher and I plan to use Timoptic tomorrow night.


Time Left Right SD L SD R Comments
8:11 16.7 21.3 0.577 1.528 Before work.

    No measurement.
9:19 16.0 16.0 1.000 2.000 After brushing teeth.
10:33 17.0 20.3 2.646 1.528 Regulatory issues for a business venture. Somewhat stressful.
13:22 14.8 16.6 1.924 1.140  
15:15 14.3 13.3 0.577 1.528 Reading emails.
15:18 12.7 15.7 0.577 1.528 Repeated measurements, trying to relax.
15:23 13.3 14.7 1.155 1.155 Repeated measurements, trying to relax.
15:40 13.0 13.7 1.732 1.528 After playing with my dog for 5m.
15:59 13.7 12.7 2.082 0.577 After 5m Bates long swing and another 5m of playing with my dog.
16:51 12.0 13.3 0.000 0.577 After cooking.
17:30 13.3 15.3 1.528 1.528 After eating.
18:00 13.3 13.7 1.155 0.577 After 5m playing with my dog and 5m Bates long swing.
18:03 13.0 14.3 2.000 0.577 Relaxing breathing.
19:57 15.7 19.0 1.528 1.000 Working at computer - some stress.
22:02 14.3 14.7 0.577 1.155 Relaxing.
23:11 11.3 13.3 0.577 0.577 Reading email and news. I have a headache (from not enough sleep).
23:49 13.0 12.0 1.732 1.000 Working at computer (relaxed).

    Xalatan in each eye.
0:28 16.7 20.7 0.577 1.528 After laying down.


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