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Getting Away From Office Good For IOP

Submitted by dave on Sat, 11/11/2006 - 10:59pm

 Today's values seem to show that when I stop thinking about business (or other financial issues), my IOP is lower.

Today's overall averages are:

Left 15.2; Right 15.2 (differential 0)

The differential is going in the opposite direction from what I have seen in the past. Normally, it increases slightly with each extra day since the last time I used Timoptic in my right eye. It has now been 6 days since I used Timoptic and things are looking good.

Chain sawGetting away from my office and away from business for a while today had a nice effect on my IOP. The effect was similar to working out. Around 2:30 PM I went to the garage and replaced the chain on my chain saw. Then I went out and cut some small branches. It wasn't hard physical work, but I was walking around with a chain saw. Afterwards, I did some relaxation exercises, and then I had my IOP measured at 4:39 PM. With values around 12, the result is similar to what I would see after a workout (and I guess the activity itself was a little similar). 

If you have been following my blog the last few days, I suspect you see the same trend I do. By performing a certain set of activities, I can consistently take my IOP from around 19 to around 12. How long it stays near 12 depends on what activities I continue to do.

Today, I started working at the computer again and encountered some frustration. My IOP rose back up to 15 and 17.

Here are today's IOP values:

Time Left Right Comments
11:42 19.0 21.7 Work planning. Feeling some anxiety.
13:42 19.0 19.7 Working at computer.
13:54 16.2 14.0 After brushing teeth.
15:27 16.0 14.0 Working in the garage. A break from business and computers.
16:39 12.7 11.7 After cutting wood with chain saw, then, 10m playing with dog, 10m long swing, 5m Bates sunning
18:16 13.0 14.7 After dinner (and reading Time magazine).
21:25 15.0 13.3 Working at computer. Some frustration.
21:28 14.0 13.3 Repeated measurements, trying to relax.
22:58 15.0 17.0 Computer work. Rushing to finish.
23:01 14.0 15.0 Repeated measurements, trying to relax.
1:14 14.3 14.7 Computer work.
1:17 14.3 13.0 Repeated measurements, trying to relax.

I used Xalatan in each eye. 

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