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How to log in to the FitEyes eStore

I would like to answer a common question about accounts and passwords on FitEyes. Each of our websites has a separate login and password. For example, the blog ( and the store ( and the IOP database ( all have separate logins and passwords. There are technological reasons for this.

By the way, the best solution I can recommend is to use a password manager such as LastPass ( I use it myself. The basic service is completely free and very good. Now, back to the issue at hand: logging into the FitEyes store.

Even though you may have an account on the blog (, you will still need to have a separate account at the store (

Here are the steps to create an account at the store:

1. Go to
2. Fill in your name, email address and desired password.

Then you can add items to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout. You will need to enter your shipping (and billing) address when you checkout the first time. After that, it will be saved for you.

Please let me know if I can answer any further questions. And if you run into any problems, I can create your store account for you (all except the password). If you want me to do this for you, please send me your:

  •     Full name
  •     Street Address
  •     Apt, Suite, etc.
  •     City
  •     State
  •     Zip code
  •     Phone number

I'll create the account for you and then you can set your password after that. (To rest your password for the store visit and then click "Forgot your password?".)

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