
Palmitoylethanolamide Stimulates Phagocytosis by Microglial Cells without Inducing an Inflammatory Reaction

Summary: Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), an endogenous lipid, increased phagocytosis of bacteria by microglial cells in vitro without a measurable proinflammatory effect. This allows the immune system to kill pathogens without harming nerve cells. Palmitoylethanolamide has been extensively tested clinically without observed severe side effects.

Mitochondrial DNA Variant Discovery in Normal-Tension Glaucoma Patients by Next-Generation Sequencing

Mitochondrial DNA Variant Discovery in Normal-Tension Glaucoma Patients by Next-Generation Sequencing


The role of SIRT1 in ocular aging and glaucoma

The role of SIRT1 in ocular aging.

The sirtuins are a family of enzymes that regulate DNA expression. The sirtuin family helps regulate the lifespan of diverse organisms. Humans have seven different sirtuins (SIRT1-7). This study suggests that SIRT1 may provide protection against diseases related to oxidative stress-induced ocular damage, including cataract, age-related macular degeneration, and optic nerve degeneration in glaucoma patients.


Mitochondrial DNA changes in glaucoma patients

Mitochondrial DNA nucleotide changes in primary congenital glaucoma patients.

Genetic analysis showed that glaucoma patients belong to three groups. Fifty percent of the patients belonged to one group (the H2a2a lineage of the N-derived haplogroup*).

Rate of progression of glaucoma correlates with retrobulbar circulation and intraocular pressure.

Rate of progression of glaucoma correlates with retrobulbar circulation and intraocular pressure.


To look for a connection between glaucoma progression and blood flow to the eye. Retrobulbar means behind the eyeball. In technical language, this study seeks to evaluate the correlation between progression rate of glaucomatous damage and retrobulbar blood flow in an institutional setting.


Retrospective, observational case series.

Glaucoma Research Articles

FitEyes provides a collection of carefully selected, edited and well-organized glaucoma research articles. You can find them in this section. See the menu on the side for a list of all articles.

Newly Diagnosed: Question to Ask Your Doctor About Glaucoma

If you have been newly diagnosed with glaucoma or you are a glaucoma suspect, you may want to have a list of questions to ask your doctor.

Be prepared to write down the answers you receive. In addition to taking your own notes at the doctor's office, keep a journal of anything you experience such as drug side effects (what and when) so you won't have to rely on memory at your next appointment.

A newly diagnosed person with glaucoma may benefit from frequent eye pressure monitoring. Having your eye pressure checked

Understanding dead vs dormant optic nerve cells

Submitted by dave on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 1:31pm

Question from a FitEyes member: Hello. I am impressed with the enormous amount of knowledge some of you have about glaucoma. You can teach the doctors a few things. I was diagnosed with glaucoma two years ago and as all of you am looking for ways to get better.
Can anyone tell me what happens to dead optic nerve cells? Does the body flush them away or do they remain in their shriveled state?
There also must be millions of stunted, dormant," hibernating" optic nerve cells, for otherwise how can microcurrent bring them partly back to life? This procedure is available in Germany but is expensive and seems to last less than a year.
I would like to believe in resurrection for the only alternative is stem cell therapy which is probably a dozen years away. I would appreciate any information.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Vision In Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a chronic, neurodegenerative disease that is the second most common cause of blindness in the world. All available treatment is focused on lowering IOP to slow the progression of the disease, with no current therapy to reverse visual field loss or improve visual acuity available. Therefore, in this article, the authors describe the use of high dose omega‐3 fatty acids to combat the neuro‐inflammation in glaucoma patients, thereby improving visual acuity and visual field in glaucoma patients. Full Text paper attached.


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