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Dear FitEyes members:

Our Best Must-Read Blogs

Since 2006, FitEyes has published many informative blog posts about eye health, self-tonometry, glaucoma, and Alternative medicine. We continue to add to this list of favorites. We think you will enjoy reading and commenting on this very best of FitEyes content.

Rescula Discussion

Submitted by dave on Mon, 06/03/2013 - 8:56am

A FitEyes member asked:   

I wonder if anyone of you has ever tried Rescula. This is a new product for glaucoma.

It’s actually old

The FDA approved Rescula in 2000 for the treatment of open-angle
glaucoma and ocular hypertension. The drug was taken off the market in
the United States in 2005 (apparently for commercial reasons). But the
commercialization rights were licensed in 2009 to Sucampo
Pharmaceutials, Inc. Sucampo then submitted a supplemental New Drug
Application to the FDA and relaunched the product.

Are we stuck where we were ten years ago, or is a revolution under way?

Submitted by dave on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 9:12pm

Is this true?

[The review of glaucoma by the The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concludes] pretty much what we have been saying here for a looooong time...!

Or this?

The message on the confusion about glaucoma and its treatment has not changed in more than ten years.  The knowledge base about glaucoma has barely moved the needle in decades.  Everything developed to date has been a band aid, while the root causes of the disease remain unknown.

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Top FitEyes Blog Posts

glaucoma surgery

Submitted by vkildis on Tue, 07/10/2012 - 7:35pm

I have 50% drop of vision in my left eye. My doctor is pushing me for laser glaucoma surgery.  They are using a small plastik tube to create secondary passage for eye fluid. What I want to ask is what kind of problems such surgery could cause in the future. Please, share experience about this topic.

Thank you everybody.

FitEyes Teleconference with Joseph Lovett - March 22

Submitted by Vivian on Fri, 02/24/2012 - 10:32pm

We have all come to FitEyes in an effort to understand and do whatever we can to protect and nurture our eyes. Notwithstanding, some of us harbor fears that we may some day experience vision loss that may hamper or impact the quality of our lives. And some FitEyes members (or their loved ones) have already lost considerable sight.

Joseph Lovett with his dogs outside his apartment in Manhattan, NY 

Joseph Lovett, the filmmaker of Going Blind, understands first-hand what it is like to lose your sight because he has glaucoma, a disease that robs 4.5 million people worldwide of their vision. After years of slowly losing his sight, Joe decided to take action and began to investigate how people respond to vision-loss.


His search began small, with people he met on the streets of his hometown New York City and gradually lead him to places and people of all different ages and backgrounds around the United States. Each tells a fascinating story about dealing with the vision loss caused by sight-robbing diseases, infections and accidents. As a filmmaker, Joe uses the tool he knows best to gather information, to connect with individuals and to find answers to share with the world. The film is scheduled for airing nationally on PBS and elsewhere this October.


Joe has accompanied the film around the globe to increase public awareness of sight loss and low vision issues. Joe has been committed to raising awareness of critical health issues and advocacy throughout his career. He produced the first in-depth AIDS investigations for national television at ABC News 20/20.

A scene from Joseph Lovett's HBO documentary "Cancer: Evolution to Revolution"


He later created In A New Light (ABC, 1992-96), an annual AIDS outreach and entertainment special. Joe’s continuing work against AIDS won him The AIDS Action Foundation AIDS Leadership Award. In 2001, Joe won a Peabody Award and an Emmy nomination for writing, producing and directing HBO’s Cancer: Evolution to Revolution. Joe has produced over 35 hours of programming for prime time television and award-winning independent films that inform, inspire and compel people into action.


Joe has graciously agreed to participate in the next of our series of FitEyes teleconferences. He will discuss his film and also share his personal experience participating in an experimental neuro-stimulation treatment trial in Germany conducted by EBS Technologies. EBS is testing a non-invasive brain stimulation device for the treatment of visual field deficits that result from stroke, brain trauma and glaucoma. A prototype has been tested in clinical trials, with more than 1,000 patients in observational studies. Joe has had 3 courses of EBS NEXT WAVE therapy during the past 21 months and is willing to answer your questions about this experience.


Sharing my story with the Glaucoma Research Foundation

Submitted by shandlerr on Sun, 12/04/2011 - 6:08pm

I had the opportunity to share my glaucoma story with the Glaucoma Research Foundation in San Francisco. Below is the video transcript. Please take a look at the website,, where you can view my story and also learn more about the Foundation. Thanks!

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