Reichert 7CR tonometer

New Tonometer Owner

Submitted by dave on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 9:54pm

We received this comment from a FitEyes member:

I am now the proud owner of a Reichert 7CR. I'd like to participate in the Fiteyes research community and contribute my data. I've just emailed Terry to ask for software, but any pointers for how to collect and look at data would be much appreciated.
The picture I am getting of my pressures is remarkably at variance with what my various opthamologists have thought based on the occasional office visit.

One-time comparison between 7CR and Goldmann readings

Submitted by Sean Mei on Tue, 07/17/2012 - 10:33pm

On June 26 at New England Eye Center, I brought my 7CR to the doctor's appointment to compare reading with the standard Goldmann IOP device.

I did 6 measurements per eye with 7CR first and then immediately after, the doctor read my IOP using Goldmann.

IOPg from 7CR was 23 mmHg on both eyes. The values were calculated from 5 valid measurements per eye. IOPg from Goldmann was 18 mmHg on both eyes. There was offset of 5 between those two devices.

First set of results after some changes

Submitted by cormos on Sun, 10/17/2010 - 7:29am

After obtaining the Reichert 7CR and understand my eyes response to different situations, times of day and other stimuli, this first set of result is very encouraging for me after this small changes I have made.

Since I am the type of person using the left-brain, as is described in this post, as part of several tests performed simultaneously I eliminate caffeine from my diet in all its forms.

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