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New Eye Pressure Medication Routine Good After Two Weeks

Submitted by dave on Sun, 12/31/2006 - 10:59pm

Today's overall eye pressure averages are:

Left 12.4; Right 13.1 (differential 0.7)

These are some of my best eye pressure values ever. This is my 14th consecutive day on the new medication routine. On this routine, I use Xalatan in each eye and I use timolol maleate 0.25% in my right eye only without waiting between drops. The timolol is the standard type (not the gel forming solution). I have found the timing of the eye drops to be critical for me. When I waited 10 minutes between the Xalatan and the timolol, my eye pressure was, on average, 4.65 mm Hg higher. See this blog post for details.

It continues to amaze me that the standard (non-extended release) timolol is effective for 24 hours in my right eye.

I'm not going to comment in detail on the two eye pressure values that are high today. One was at 10:55 AM and the other was at 11:26 PM. Both instances of elevated eye pressure were short-lived and both are directly related to known activities that always increase my eye pressure - the effect is repeatable. These activities always increase my eye pressure. This happens regardless of the medication I'm using. However, on the current medication routine, the elevated eye pressure that results from these activities seems shorter-lived (although I have not explicitly measured the duration).

Here is today's data:

Time Left Right Comments
10:55 17.3 22.3  
10:59 13.0 13.3 After ayurvedic stuff.
11:13 11.3 12.3 After brushing teeth.
15:25 14.0 13.3 Working at computer.
16:07 12.8 13.3 After working at computer. Before playing Frisbee.
16:29 12.0 11.3 After playing 10m Frisbee w/my dog.
17:45 11.7 12.7 Before going out for Frisbee.
18:04 10.7 10.7 After playing Frisbee w/my dog.
19:15 13.0 12.3 After exercising: cycling.
19:30 10.7 11.3 After 10m weight lifting - arms.
11.3 Repeated measurements for right eye. No changes.
12.8 Repeated measurements for right eye. No changes.
20:42 11.7 12.7 After running errand.
11.7 Repeated measurements for right eye. No changes.
22:56 11.3 12.0 During movie (My Super Ex-Girlfriend).
23:26 15.0 19.7 Performed an activity that always increases my IOP.
23:33 12.7 12.0  
0:12 10.7 12.0 Happy New Year!
0:52 11.3 12.2  
1:00     Xalatan each eye PLUS timolol maleate std 0.25% in R eye only WITHOUT waiting between drops.

Including today, I have been using the new medication routine for 15 days. Here are the overall average IOP values for those 15 days.

Date Left Right
17-Dec-06 14.3 14.0
18-Dec-06 14.4 13.8
19-Dec-06 15.1 14.6
20-Dec-06 12.9 13.3
21-Dec-06 13.0 12.3
22-Dec-06 12.9 13.8
23-Dec-06 12.7 13.6
24-Dec-06 12.3 14.7
25-Dec-06 13.6 13.9
26-Dec-06 13.1 14.6
27-Dec-06 13.6 14.6
28-Dec-06 13.5 13.8
29-Dec-06 12.9 14.3
30-Dec-06 13.0 13.1
31-Dec-06 12.4 13.1

Happy New Year! Party!!!


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