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Details on Aryuveda medicine or treatments in Glaucoma

Submitted by pmpvip on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 9:11am

Thanks for answering my question in length and depth.

Since there is no sure cure for recovering from damage of Optic nerve caused by glaucoma in our ALOPATHIC treatments, I was looking for other possible treatments in Conjuction with Alopathic for my self.

My Inbox - Breathing and Eye Pressure

Submitted by dave on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 12:30pm

 Below is part of a very interesting email a reader sent me a little while ago. I asked for his permission to share some of it here. I hope this person eventually finds time to start a blog on or share more of his experiences. I could learn a lot from him, and I suspect many other people would like to hear more about his experiences with intraocular pressure.

My Inbox - What is an IOP Querent?

Submitted by dave on Sat, 08/04/2007 - 1:02pm

Today the following email arrived in my inbox via a post to a glaucoma support group. This email gives me an opportunity to answer some questions, including the original of the name of my (former) blog, The IOP Querent.

David:  Greetings!

I read your very interesting blog this morning.

Here are a couple of questions:

What exactly is your background?  Your blog says that you are the
director of a research organization.  Are you a physician?
Biochemist, etc?

Can the heavy use of a computer be a cause of glaucoma?

Submitted by vis01 on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 4:01pm

Almost every eye specialist you might visit nowadays will confidently answer "of course, not!" Is it so clear? From my personal experience, I learnt that a heavy use of computer (often I spend the whole workday working on the computer) often causes me eye discomfort, pains, and headaches. Therefore, my impression always was that the conventional medicine doesn't have the full answers.

Evasive vs Invasive

Submitted by Dr. Edward Kondrot on Sat, 07/07/2007 - 5:32pm

A group of glaucoma patients recently had an online discussion about my book Microcurrent Stimulation: Miracle Eye Cure. I was contacted by several readers of that discussion and informed that one of the skeptics posted the following reply about my website:

"I did a little digging and came across Kondrot's site. It's yet more of the usual totally unsupported, unproven New Age silliness of course, but the best bit by far is this:

Cataract surgery should be a last resort after trying other non-evasive treatments.

Have Any Foods, Herbs Or Supplements Been Proven To Help Vision?

Submitted by dave on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 6:50pm


Science moves slowly and proof of any sort is hard to come by. However, we have strong evidence that lots of herbs and "super food"-type supplements can be very beneficial for patients with glaucoma. How long do you want to wait for the "official" proclamation that these supplements are beneficial? 

India hits back in 'bio-piracy' battle

Submitted by dave on Sun, 04/08/2007 - 4:26pm

 By Soutik Biswas 

BBC News, Delhi 
In a quiet government office in the Indian capital, Delhi, some 100 doctors are hunched over computers poring over ancient medical texts and keying in information.



These doctors are practitioners of ayurveda, unani and siddha, ancient Indian medical systems that date back thousands of years.

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