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Self-tonometry devices - which is the best?

Submitted by JennLight7 on Wed, 04/18/2012 - 5:22pm

Hello everyone,

My name is Jennifer. I am 41. Relatively healthy - average weight range, no other (known) medical issues. I am severely myopic, and my father (now 75) has glaucoma (also severely myopic). He has been diagnosed with the disease for 25 years. He also suffers from HBP and diabetes.

Two weeks  ago I went to an ophthalmologist, prompted by symptoms of wavy/moving,black/white lines (ocular migraine).

Narrow Angle/Plateau Iris, Iridoplasty Side effects?

Submitted by needingmyeyes on Wed, 03/28/2012 - 8:30am

I am a 44 year old female with Narrow Angles/Plateau Iris Syndrome. I and have Patent Iriodotomies with no problems. Iridoplasty was done on the right eye three months ago and the pupil is still oval and dilated, however the angle is open now. I currently do not have any problems due to the dilated pupil but, do expect for this to change as I get older.  Need to have a procedure done on the left eye as the Iris is in contact with the Trabecular Meshwork.

Connective Tissue Disorder

Submitted by judyn on Sat, 03/24/2012 - 8:24pm

I have recently decided that I have a mild (?) case of connective tissue disorder.  I'd never heard of it, but somehow I ran across a list of symptoms and had a shockingly large number of them, although all in rather minor form.  I now see that some people list (some) glaucoma sufferers as having this syndrome.   I am myopic (my parents were not), which is related to CTD and glaucoma. 

You can easily look it up.  One site with a list of "symptoms" is this one:

FitEyes Teleconference with Joseph Lovett - March 22

Submitted by Vivian on Fri, 02/24/2012 - 10:32pm

We have all come to FitEyes in an effort to understand and do whatever we can to protect and nurture our eyes. Notwithstanding, some of us harbor fears that we may some day experience vision loss that may hamper or impact the quality of our lives. And some FitEyes members (or their loved ones) have already lost considerable sight.

Joseph Lovett with his dogs outside his apartment in Manhattan, NY 

Joseph Lovett, the filmmaker of Going Blind, understands first-hand what it is like to lose your sight because he has glaucoma, a disease that robs 4.5 million people worldwide of their vision. After years of slowly losing his sight, Joe decided to take action and began to investigate how people respond to vision-loss.


His search began small, with people he met on the streets of his hometown New York City and gradually lead him to places and people of all different ages and backgrounds around the United States. Each tells a fascinating story about dealing with the vision loss caused by sight-robbing diseases, infections and accidents. As a filmmaker, Joe uses the tool he knows best to gather information, to connect with individuals and to find answers to share with the world. The film is scheduled for airing nationally on PBS and elsewhere this October.


Joe has accompanied the film around the globe to increase public awareness of sight loss and low vision issues. Joe has been committed to raising awareness of critical health issues and advocacy throughout his career. He produced the first in-depth AIDS investigations for national television at ABC News 20/20.

A scene from Joseph Lovett's HBO documentary "Cancer: Evolution to Revolution"


He later created In A New Light (ABC, 1992-96), an annual AIDS outreach and entertainment special. Joe’s continuing work against AIDS won him The AIDS Action Foundation AIDS Leadership Award. In 2001, Joe won a Peabody Award and an Emmy nomination for writing, producing and directing HBO’s Cancer: Evolution to Revolution. Joe has produced over 35 hours of programming for prime time television and award-winning independent films that inform, inspire and compel people into action.


Joe has graciously agreed to participate in the next of our series of FitEyes teleconferences. He will discuss his film and also share his personal experience participating in an experimental neuro-stimulation treatment trial in Germany conducted by EBS Technologies. EBS is testing a non-invasive brain stimulation device for the treatment of visual field deficits that result from stroke, brain trauma and glaucoma. A prototype has been tested in clinical trials, with more than 1,000 patients in observational studies. Joe has had 3 courses of EBS NEXT WAVE therapy during the past 21 months and is willing to answer your questions about this experience.


Interested in Buying/Sharing a Tonometer together?

Submitted by ASalukinski on Fri, 02/24/2012 - 1:55pm

I'm new to FitEyes.  For a little over a year I've been diagnosed with normal-tension glaucoma with central vision loss in one eye.  Like so many others I would like to do self-tonometry but can't afford the $3,000 or so to buy a tonometer.

I've been thinking about getting together with someone else, or a couple of others, to buy and share one--say, to use on alternate weeks, or months, or however else agreed upon.  Or perhaps there is someone out there already with a portable machine willing to share it (and who wants to recoup some of the purchase cost). 

New to Site - Lot of Questions

Submitted by dcvetkov on Sun, 02/19/2012 - 7:42pm


New to the site and glaucoma diagnozed about 1 year ago. I have lot of questions for Dave and all others. sp any reply would be appriciated

I was alwas sa suspect, have Pigmentary Dispersion syndrom, and after one eye injury last year( probably conicidental), went to ophtamologist, and pressusre was high.up to 40 he did his kind of tests, OCT, visual field, pictures, and said I do have glaucoma, there has been some mild damage on the nerve, but said we will manage it do not worry.

High IOP and pain levels

Submitted by gayle on Tue, 02/14/2012 - 10:05am

I am not able to monitor my own IOP but wondered what levels of pain are experienced by people who do. For instance at what level would you first notice physical signs that your pressure was raised and what are the first signs? At what level would you experience mild, moderate or severe pain? I have had pain behind my eye at pressure of only 25 but my doctor doubts that pain is experienced at this level. I would be interested to hear the thoughts of people who can monitor their pressure when they have a headache.


Does snoring increase IOP ?

Submitted by Kay Alison McLeish on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 6:43am

I wonder if snoring can increase IOP?. Snoring is known to be associated with an increase in cortisol levels ( which correlates to IOP)- as well as an increased risk of diabetes, stroke and hypertension. Also; according to articles I've read here, it seems that IOP may be centrally set ( by the brain ) and that the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are partly regulated by the way air is taken in through the nostrils- there is a cycle of roughly an hour whereby one nostril is more dominant; which corresponds to the way the hemispheres relate to the different nervous systems.

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fallen tear ducts

Submitted by jvbrown on Sat, 02/04/2012 - 6:06pm

I recently had a virus and ran a fever for a month. Now my tear ducts have fallen beside my eyes. I'm wondering if anyone knows any exercises or remedies to tighten the muscles back up and draw them back above my eyes. My eyes are now dry and achey.

Metallic reflection

Submitted by bitbygug on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 4:45pm

Two people I know have had eye surgery recently (within the last few years). When I look in their eyes, I can see a metallic reflection from the pupil. What kind of surgery caused that? Does it have anything to do with glaucoma? Did the surgeon leave something metal in their eye and is it permanent?

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Asking for steps to acquire a tomometer

Submitted by maoweizhen on Fri, 01/13/2012 - 2:05pm

 I need specific instructions on how to get a tonometer for home use. Perhaps those of you who have gone through the process can help me.

Question 1. I understand that I need a prescription from my eye doctor. On the prescription, does the model name of tonometer (such as AT555 or 7CR) need to be specified, or it can be just generally described, like "any auto non-contact tonometer"?

Question 2. Once I get the prescription, do I go around to place an order myself or my doctor needs to make the purchase on my behalf? The posts I read from this forum seem to indicate both.


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