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Understanding dead vs dormant optic nerve cells

Submitted by dave on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 1:31pm

Question from a FitEyes member: Hello. I am impressed with the enormous amount of knowledge some of you have about glaucoma. You can teach the doctors a few things. I was diagnosed with glaucoma two years ago and as all of you am looking for ways to get better.
Can anyone tell me what happens to dead optic nerve cells? Does the body flush them away or do they remain in their shriveled state?
There also must be millions of stunted, dormant," hibernating" optic nerve cells, for otherwise how can microcurrent bring them partly back to life? This procedure is available in Germany but is expensive and seems to last less than a year.
I would like to believe in resurrection for the only alternative is stem cell therapy which is probably a dozen years away. I would appreciate any information.

Leading Medical Specialists From Around the World Coalesce Around Home Monitoring For Glaucoma Patients

Submitted by dave on Fri, 07/11/2014 - 9:32pm

Leading Medical Specialists Support Self-Monitoring of Eye Pressure by Glaucoma Patients; Home Monitoring has Potential to Transform Glaucoma Treatment, Says Co-Author of Recent Journal Article self-tonometry eye pressure monitoringGrowing recognition among leading ophthalmologists and glaucoma specialists of an alternative option for measuring pressure in the eye may offer new hope for four million Americans – and millions more people worldwide – who risk permanent blindness, says a co-author of a recent article in the Survey of Ophthalmology.

Are The Experts Confused About Which Foods Are Healthy?

Submitted by dave on Wed, 05/28/2014 - 3:53pm

Have you ever received conflicting information about the health value of a particular diet? Of course - well all have!

In this article I want to share my viewpoint about low carb diets vs. high carb diets (and vegetarian vs. carnivorous diets).

I was inspired to write this article after reading Dr. Fuhrman’s blog . I came across a debate between Dr. Fuhrman and Barry Groves .

about the prescription of Rescula

Submitted by killerw on Fri, 05/02/2014 - 11:59pm

hi all.

my dad is in rentinitis pigmentosa for over 30 years and his vision drepress a lot recently, but we are in China. i found an article about the eye drop rescula, but unfortunatly it's not for sale in China, and all the online pharmacys need prescription from north America.

here's what i want to know:

1. is there any online hosipital to have a long-distance diagnose and prescription?

2. if we go to America to see a doctor, the priscription can only use once or for long term?

oral medication for kid?

Submitted by surman77 on Mon, 04/28/2014 - 12:22pm

Dear all,

I want to know is there any oral medication available for a child which can be well tolerated by kid of age 8 yrs with secondry glaucoma in right eye to bring down the pressure?combination drops seems to be exhausted and pressures are ranging 22-23.Surgery is advised but i do'nt find it fine to operate a child with pressures of this range.Does anybody feels the same too?Also more because child has anxiety disorder(medical anxiety as its root)  and surgery will only worsen that .Dortas 3 times and xalacom once in night are used currently.Please help.

Contact lens that continually measures eye pressure

Submitted by RhondaK on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 9:51am

Forgive me if this issue has been posted on before.  I just ran across an article describing the fascinating development of a contact lens that continually measures IntraOcular Pressure.

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Supplements that increase IOP

Submitted by doc007hollywood on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 9:19pm

I take a ton of supplements for various reasons. I was researching supplements that are known to increase intraocular pressure and the only ones I have come across are the following:

1. Niacin (Vitamin B3)

2. Glucosamine


If you know of any others, please reply and add. This would be a good running list to have.

Life Extension eye pressure support

Submitted by doc007hollywood on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 9:15pm

Has anyone had good results with using Life Extension's "Eye Pressure Support" product? The active ingredient is the Mirtogenol forumulation (bilberry + pycnogenol). I'm at a pre-glaucama stage where I got confounding visual field test results and my eye pressure has been slowly creeping up (14 to 18 in the last year and half). I would like to halt or slow down the pressure increase and am wondering if this supplement would help. Any opinion on this or other ways to help my condition would be appreciated, thanks.

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My first laser iridotomy

Submitted by Arshee on Fri, 03/07/2014 - 4:16pm

Hello to everyone in this beautiful community. I would love some feedback. My Opth has advised me to go for an iridotomy, my first and i am very nervous. He informed me that in some cases, you get a permanent glare (he did not say what percentage of cases). I was wondering where i could find out the percentage of cases that suffer this side effect. He was also considering SLT but he decided that iridotomy would be better. I have plateau iris and a thin cornea and i am 43 years old. Thanks in advance. Blessings,


pseudoexfoliation and cataract

Submitted by Madden11 on Mon, 02/24/2014 - 11:11am

I have pseudoexfoliation glaucoma(PXG).  Cataract surgery went badly on my left eye 11 years ago.  I now have little vision in that eye.  The disease in my right eye has progressed slowly (healthy optic nerve, no visual field loss, but some exfoliation).   Now I have a cataract that is interfering with my vision.  My ophtalmologist tells me it that cataract surgery on an eye with PXG is challenging.  Do any of you have experience with that?  Or a surgeon to recommend.


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