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Inflammation and glaucoma

Submitted by Kay Alison McLeish on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 4:18am

Hi, I was diagnosed with glaucoma three years ago when my optician noticed damage to my optic nerve, in my right eye.My pressures were elevated ( especially in the right eye) but not hugely so. Since then the conition has stabilised and the pressures have reduced to normal ( I have one drop of Lumigen a day ).

José-Alain Sahel - Retinal Grafting / Regenerative Medecine

Submitted by Mollyc1i on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 11:32am

 Only an Auto-translation.  When in Paris in Dec, just after I had left from seeing my ophtho consultant and on my way to the railway station, my taxi took me past this very hospital.  The t.driver was telling me about the surgeon there who had made remarkable progress in retinal surgery and that one day he would be able to make the blind see again...   And now, just fell over this story in le Point (my fave Fr. magazine).  Amazing achievement.

Glaucoma surgery

Submitted by dodieha on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 11:07am

 Hi Everyone,

This is my first post. I am a 72 year old woman with advanced glaucoma. I was diagnosed when i was in my thirties. I was sickly all my life with undiagnosed hypothyroidism, endotoxemia, hypoglycemia along with severe fatigue and too many symptoms to list. For many years I did not take the glaucoma drops regularly as they gave me severe headaches, eye pain and migraines.

I also have congenital cataracts.

I am legally blind and am facing some decisions.

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Submitted by travelhawthorne on Wed, 12/21/2011 - 2:39pm

I just started Azarga 2 weeks ago, and I can hardly stand it.  My eyelids are red and puffy, and by the end of the day I want to scratch my eyeballs out they itch so much.  I read one post in which someone said the symptoms disappeared after a month.  I'm not sure I can stand it that long.  My doctor doesn't seem too concerned.  I'm not sure I can live like this.  Any advice?

Chinese Herbs

Submitted by son1wof1cm on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 12:18pm

 This is Charles, I have been following these conversations for some time but this is my first time chiming in. I was diagnosed with Glaucoma in my left eye about a year ago. Incidentally this was right after I had a root canal on the left side of the roof of my mouth. The eye specialist put me on four different types of drops. my IOP was 31. after a bad experience with one of the drops I decided to do some research on my own. I began to take herbal remedies, Prayer, and acupuncture and also Vitamins. Yesterday I went in for an eye exam and the IOP was 22. a nine point resuction.

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Submitted by URVISHSHAH on Mon, 12/12/2011 - 10:07am

My wife was operated in 2006 for meningioma tumor. She lost left eye vision 80% in 2006. She has no problem in right eye at that time. Now she is suffering loss of vision in right eye... Doctor says there is optical nerve sheath.

Is any chances to clear this stage? please help me.

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Coconut Water

Submitted by bitbygug on Fri, 12/09/2011 - 1:05pm

 I know everybody is sceptical about foods lowering eye pressure, but I just read an article from Body Ecology dot com saying that coconut water (not milk) may lower eye pressure for 2 1/2 hours. It references: Poblete, G.S. et al. "The Effect of Coconut Water on Intraocular Pressure of Normal Subjects." Phillip J. Opthal: 1999; 24 (1).

1. Has anybody read this article?

2.  If anybody has a copy of the article, could you please post the relevant parts here?

3.  Opthalmologists: Is this a reputable journal?

High pressure

Submitted by tim k on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 5:56pm

Hello to everyone I have had a lot of trouble with my eye

I had a lense implant 12 years ago and became legally blind since then I had a cornea transplant.then emergency glaucoma surgery . 5fu injected in the back of my eye PAIN . lazar and to much other stuff to write

Now my pressure is so high again fhat everything is cloudy any suggestions I am taking 3 different drops and I have tried every drop on the market thanks

question: lower left quadrant visual field loss

Submitted by scootercb on Tue, 12/06/2011 - 9:49pm

My visual fields now show some loss bilaterally in the lower left quadrant (NB: there is already some typical damage in the upper right quadrants).  The opthamologist said that this lower left damage is NOT consistent with glaucoma and suggests some other source of damage to the optic nerve tract in the brain.  Has anyone else experienced this pattern of loss?

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Rinse with saline in between eye drops

Submitted by patty77 on Mon, 12/05/2011 - 6:45pm

I use Azopt and Alphgan eye drops twice a day and also take Methazolamide tablets.  Since I normally  have allergic reactions to eye drops I've discovered that if I rinse my eyes with saline solution for sensitive eyes I don't have any problems with redness and itchy eyes anymore.  Also, my doctor said that I should leave the Azopt in for 15 minutes and the Alphagan in for 5 minutes before rinsing out the eyes.  It has helped me be able to use eye drops, whereas before I couldn't.  However, I cannot use Travatan or Xalatan drops as the chemical makeup cause pain in my eyes. 

Sharing my story with the Glaucoma Research Foundation

Submitted by shandlerr on Sun, 12/04/2011 - 6:08pm

I had the opportunity to share my glaucoma story with the Glaucoma Research Foundation in San Francisco. Below is the video transcript. Please take a look at the website,, where you can view my story and also learn more about the Foundation. Thanks!

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Xalatan reaction with alcohol

Submitted by Peter Ingleson on Sun, 12/04/2011 - 4:51pm

Recently had an interesting reaction to alcohol since starting my treatment with Xalatan. After having a few glasses of wine, suddenly getting extremely dizzy with distorted vision. With this my only choice was to lie down and "sleep it off".I have had the other reaction to the medication of asthma problems with chest tightness to an existing very mild asthma.

I was interested to know if anyone else had experienced this reaction with alcohol relating to xalatan.

ice syndrome

Submitted by joe911 on Sun, 11/27/2011 - 7:43am

 hi my name is joe i just found out i have ice syndrone in left eye very scared on 3rd set of drops pressure is 29 in left eye i drive for a living dot need my cdl i need the best doctor that specializes in this rare disease all of the forums i have been on all the people have bad outcomes r there any pople with good results thanks



Submitted by wildinstincts on Sat, 11/26/2011 - 10:40pm

I am a professional writer and translator. Usually I work 12 to 18 hours a day in front of a computer. At 56 y/o I needed glasses to work online, to read and to drive, all different prescriptions.

In May 2010 I was laid off, since that day I got gigs but not a real job or steady income. That's recession. Eventually I run out of money, I spent the savings of all my life just to make a living til today.

My vision changed and I could not read anymore with my computer glasses. I could not see a letter and the same happened with my reading glasses and my driving glasses.

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BAK: Boon or Bane?

Submitted by winter.lauder on Fri, 11/25/2011 - 11:51am

Preservatives found in pharmaceutical products are a group of chemical substances added in multidose solutions to primarily reduce the risk of microbial contamination. Benzalkonium chloride, Polyquad, SofZia, and Purite are the common preservatives especially used in anti glaucoma agents. While SofZia and Purite are new preservatives that have been called vanishing preservatives, because they convert to nontoxic substances once in the eye, Benzalkonium chloride, on the other hand is the most common ophthalmic preservative.

Will I pass glaucoma to my children?

Submitted by kobo531 on Sat, 11/05/2011 - 1:00am

 Hi I'm 30 this year and I'm planning to marry my girlfriend next year. Although she doesn't mind the fact that I have glaucoma and the possibility of me going blind one day, she is reluctant to have my children because she's afraid they will have glaucoma too. 

Is there any way we can find out if I will pass glaucoma on to my children? What are the odds of that happening?


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