Eye Pressure

Best Glaucoma Superfoods For Healthy Vision

I add many of these to my green salad superfood. See my salad superfood recipe if you want to make a salad. However, you can use these superfood ingredients in many different foods. The list below is roughly divided into two sections. The top section contains ingredients I often add to my salad superfood. The lower section contains foods

Leading Medical Specialists From Around the World Coalesce Around Home Monitoring For Glaucoma Patients

Submitted by dave on Fri, 07/11/2014 - 9:32pm

Leading Medical Specialists Support Self-Monitoring of Eye Pressure by Glaucoma Patients; Home Monitoring has Potential to Transform Glaucoma Treatment, Says Co-Author of Recent Journal Article self-tonometry eye pressure monitoringGrowing recognition among leading ophthalmologists and glaucoma specialists of an alternative option for measuring pressure in the eye may offer new hope for four million Americans – and millions more people worldwide – who risk permanent blindness, says a co-author of a recent article in the Survey of Ophthalmology.


Submitted by jconner40 on Tue, 08/27/2013 - 10:13pm

Can some one give me a sense of direction to know more about eye pressure, I just found out that my 13 year old has this.Her eye pressure was at 30 but it came back down with new drops. Now she has to take 2 eye drops instead of one.I need some advice here.

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Can Grounding Lower IOP?

Submitted by dave on Mon, 06/17/2013 - 1:49pm

Dr. Kondrot recently enticed FitEyes members with some interesting observations about what he called grounding and its effects on intraocular pressure. He also wrote about earthing and shared this video of his patient, Peter Abilogu, a professor of African Dance, performing in his office.

Are we stuck where we were ten years ago, or is a revolution under way?

Submitted by dave on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 9:12pm

Is this true?

[The review of glaucoma by the The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concludes] pretty much what we have been saying here for a looooong time...!

Or this?

The message on the confusion about glaucoma and its treatment has not changed in more than ten years.  The knowledge base about glaucoma has barely moved the needle in decades.  Everything developed to date has been a band aid, while the root causes of the disease remain unknown.

About FitEyes.com

FitEyes.com is currently the largest eye pressure research and glaucoma support community in the world. FitEyes also features information regarding general well-being, healthy lifestyle, nutrition, general fitness, and, in particular, overall eye health. This information includes, but is not limited to, articles, editorial content, blogs, published research, and members’ reviews, postings and discussions.

Developing a health-wellness vs disease mentality

Submitted by Bailey on Thu, 03/17/2011 - 2:58pm

When I first became diagnosed with glaucoma, I checked and double checked everything which the doctor told me. I Health consciousalso read every article on glaucoma which I could find, and tried to calculate and assess the risks in my own particular case. I reached a point where I became obsessed with understanding everything there was to know about 'my disease' (as though understanding alone could result in some sort of curative action).

As time went on, this pursuit caused me to feel like I was looking at the world through 'diseased eyes' and it became more and more frustrating as I realized that from an empirical perspective alone, there was simply no way to ever understand glaucoma (and anyone who says they do is probably delusional). It wasn't until I familiarized myself with Dave's perspective of focusing on health and letting doctors worry about my condition, that I began to interrupt this negative cycle.

Research on how moods affect eye pressure

Submitted by dave on Sat, 12/18/2010 - 1:16pm

In an upcoming version of the FitEyes Insight software I hope to provide a very easy way to track moods along with eye pressure measurements. In preparation for that, I am working on a list of moods.

If those of us monitoring our own eye pressure at home want to correlate our moods with changes in our IOP, we will need some standardized definitions of moods.

How I first became aware that my ego could raise my eye pressure

Submitted by dave on Thu, 12/16/2010 - 12:24am

This is a story about my first clues into the role my ego played in my intraocular pressure fluctuations (and spikes). This happened in 2006 or 2007 after I had started self-tonometry and had been doing it long enough to see a clear relationship between stress and my eye pressure.

A long-time friend invited me to an informal dinner with a world-famous celebrity. I had met the celebrity previously and we got along fine. We shared a common interest in health topics, so the conversations were always interesting.


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