My evaluation Icare ONE tonometer arrived today. I will compare it to:
* Icare TA01i
* Reichert 7CR Tonometer
* Pascal Dynamic Contour Tonometer
* Ocular Response Analyzer
* Reichert AT555 Tonometer
* maybe another one or two tonometers...
Look for a full review in the near future on UPDATE: I have decided not to publish my review of the Icare ONE at this time. Please read Are handheld or portable tonometers appropriate for home eye pressure monitoring?
Let me offer an analogy. If I were reviewing golf clubs, I would not include a review of a baseball bat. A baseball bat is not appropriate for playing golf. During the process of evaluating the Icare ONE, I came to a broader conclusion about all handheld tonometer and their appropriateness for self-tonometry (home eye pressure monitoring). Therefore, I feel it is better to have that general discussion first. You can read my thoughts here: Are handheld or portable tonometers appropriate for home eye pressure monitoring?
There is a related discussion on the Icare ONE here: New iCare ONE Tonometer Designed for Home Eye Pressure Monitoring
For now, here are some pictures of my evaluation Icare ONE tonometer.
Just arriving via FedEx (below). Some tonometers it will be evaluated against are shown in the background.