Eye Pressure

Supplement, herbs, alternative medines to lower IOP and regenerate eye nere cells

Submitted by pmpvip on Sat, 10/27/2007 - 6:12pm


I need immidiate suggestions on the alternative medicines from aruvedic, chinese or herbal or nutrional area which are very helpful

(1) In reducing IOP in glaucoma 

 (2) Recover and regenerate nerve cells in the eye that are damaged in eye due to glucoma.

I know they may be spread along several post, but I wanted to start most effective supplements immidiately So I need names, how much we should take and where you can buy that on internet. I have not seen any Special Glaucoma Supplement in drug stores.

I should wait little more for drops to work or go for Trablculectomy immidiately?

Submitted by pmpvip on Sat, 10/27/2007 - 6:03pm



I am under confusion and stress after my last visit to the Glaucoma Specialist So need advise from experienced members like you.

Here is my Case history:


Submitted by Marcel on Sun, 09/23/2007 - 6:57pm


May I introduce myself to people who do not yet know me:

I am a man of 45, live in The Netherlands, I am self employed, married with one daughter of 15 still at home.
I am a patient of Prof. Dr. Hans Lemij of the  Rotterdam Eye Hospital.

I have been diagnosed with Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome and early stage glaucoma early 2006.

Mid March 2007 Dr. Lemij performed a Peripheral Iridotomy both eyes.

Pressure Sensors in the Eye

Submitted by dave on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 10:41pm

 Much of my focus has been on high-frequency monitoring of intraocular pressure with currently available technology. The current standard in ophthalmology practice seems to be monitoring intraocular pressure at a frequency of once every three to twelve months, depending on specific patient factors. In contrast, my research efforts look at what is possible when intraocular pressure is monitored as frequently as hundreds of times per day for many consecutive days.

Relationship Between Fear and Elevated Intraocular Pressure

Submitted by dave on Mon, 09/17/2007 - 10:39pm

Elevated intraocular pressure can be classified as a condition characterized by resistance and contraction. The intraocular fluid cannot flow from the eye freely because there is resistance in one or both of the main drainage areas. This resistance creates elevated pressure inside the eye.

Timing of Eye drops: how precise that should be?

Submitted by pmpvip on Tue, 08/14/2007 - 8:46am


I was dignoised with glaucoma two month back.

Currently I use Timolet (one Drop in each eye) at around 7.00AM and 7.00 PM. and Lumigen at night around 9.00 PM ( One drop in each eye)

(1) How precisely we should follow this timing of eye drops. Altering time by 30 min or so only for two days in week  (so that it fit to work schedule) should be OK or not?


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