
Some glaucoma specialists are taking magnesium supplementation seriously

Submitted by dave on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 1:08pm

The effect of oral magnesium therapy on visual field and ocular blood flow in normotensive glaucoma

Note these conclusions! Also note that Josef FLAMMER, Professor and Head, Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Basel (Switzerland), recommends magnesium supplementation (so I am told).

Purpose. To evaluate the effect of oral magnesium therapy on ocular blood flow and visual field perimetry indices in patients with normotensive glaucoma (NTG).


Submitted by Amanda on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 11:07am

Your eyes bother you. So you go down to the drug store and buy a bottle of artificial tears. There are so many brands you really don't know which one is best. Or you trust your eye doctor who may prescribe an eye drop for glaucoma or who recommends an over-the-counter eye drop for your dry, red, itchy, burning eyes. To keep the ingredients from spoiling, manufacturers add preservatives. It is these preservatives, even in doses as small as 1/10th of 1 percent, that are a cause for concern.

Cure for glaucoma which leads to blindness may be on its way: lymphatics found in eye

Submitted by dave on Wed, 04/07/2010 - 8:54am

Cure for glaucoma soon, says new research

October 6th, 2009 SindhToday
Toronto, Oct 6 (IANS) Cure for glaucoma which leads to blindness may be on its way.

Canadian researchers have discovered an unidentified form of circulation in the human eye which may provide important clues to glaucoma.

The human eye is considered to lack lymphatics – a circulation responsible for pumping fluid and waste out of tissues.

But now researchers at the Universityof Toronto and the local St Michael’s Hospital say the inability to clear that fluid from the eye is linked to glaucoma which currently affects over 66 million people worldwide.

Effect of Sleeping Posture on Intraocular Pressure

Submitted by dave on Sun, 04/04/2010 - 1:55pm

A research study presented as a "poster" at ARVO 2010 indicated that the position of one's head (and body) during sleep can have an effect on intraocular pressure. For example, your eye pressure may be lower if you sleep on your back compared to sleeping on your side. (Furthermore, in my own experience, sleeping on your stomach may be the worst for IOP.)

Not discussed in this particular study was any difference in intraocular pressure between eyes. There is some evidence that if you sleep on your left side, intraocular pressure in the left eye could be higher.

Water drinking test for glaucoma and self-tonometry research

Submitted by Msbytemeee on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 7:33pm

Chris said:

I know for a fact that drinking a pitcher of water at one sitting causes a HUGE spike in my IOP.
I used to drink like 1 gallon of water immediately after running. Then I started checking my IOP with a Reichert 7CR tonometer and i realized the water consumption after exercise was causing huge pressure spikes.
I've since modified that behavior ...:)

David said:

I suspected stress was related to glaucoma

Submitted by muse on Sat, 03/13/2010 - 5:34pm

When I went to get my eyes examined for a new prescription, the Dr. told me I had glaucoma. I couldn't believe it. I had so many health problems already due to stress, that I cried and cried. He said my eyes were dry and right away I figured it was from the adrenal exhaustion I suffered a couple years back, which I am on the mend from... but it is taking time. My nails, skin, hair, mouth and now eyes were dry. It is a good thing I know I am not a body. ~g~ I am a huge fan of Byron Katie and Gary Renard's contributions to the world.

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Effect of Sleeping in a Head-Up Position on Intraocular Pressure in Patients with Glaucoma

Submitted by dave on Wed, 03/03/2010 - 2:28pm

I am reading this study now. I like the fact that they did investigate ocular perfusion pressure (OPP) while monitoring the intraocular pressure (IOP) during this study, and that they checked IOP in the sleeping position (rather than sitting the patient up). So, with a quick glance, the methodology looks acceptable to me.

Purpose: To determine whether a 30-degree head-up sleeping position decreases nocturnal intraocular pressure (IOP) compared with lying flat in patients with glaucoma.

Glaucoma eye drops and depression

Submitted by 3287nest on Wed, 02/03/2010 - 8:46am

I am using eyedrops: timolol maleate and pilocarpine.  After a week on both, I'm feeling uncharacteristically  low and negative.  Both list depression as side effects.  I'm wondering what experience others have had re: eyedrops and depression.   Know any remedies?  I hope, I'll be off these two in a couple of weeks!  They also blur my vision.


Panic attacks, adrenal exhaustion, eye pressure and consciousness

Submitted by dave on Sun, 01/17/2010 - 2:01pm

FitEyes post about the healing power of consciousnessLow blood pressure can be a problem for glaucoma patients because it results in insufficient blood supply to the optic nerve.

A lot of glaucoma patients suffer from anxiety, stress, panic attacks and other similar issues. Those issues lead to adrenal fatigue and adrenal exhaustion. And adrenal fatigue/exhaustion can lead to low blood pressure (hypotension).


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