eye drops

Glaucoma medication allergies, Serene Impulse and emotions

Submitted by dave on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 4:28pm

In a recent discussion on the FitEyes email discussion list we had an interesting exchange about allergies to the glaucoma eye drops. If you want to see how serious this can be, one picture is worth a lot of words:

glaucoma eye drop medication allergy

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 7:39 PM, a FitEyes member wrote to the discussion list:

The trend towards patient empowerment

Submitted by Bailey on Mon, 03/21/2011 - 8:31am

An interesting discussion developed on the Fiteyes Google newsgroup concerning modifications to eye drops - BUT which proved to be a good platform to delve into the whole new paradigm of the patient's role in complementing and augmenting care provided by the medical community. I have posted key components here so you can get a good 'gist' (and hopefully join in the discussion)..

From Holly,

 I have a question.  After putting alphagan into my eyes, after a few days my eyes become very red and burning. Eventually I have to stop taking the drops. I want so much to be able to tolerate these drops. I have normal tension glaucoma and these drops help to lower my pressure. What do you think of diluting the drops with water?  Maybe the water would lessen the reaction.  Has anyone ever tried this?

I am loathe to take glaucoma eye drops because of the potential side effects

Submitted by dave on Thu, 02/03/2011 - 10:52am

 A new FitEyes.com member wrote:

Hello, I have a query I would like some advice on.  I have only just joined and this is all a new area for me so please forgive me if i'm covering old ground.  I was diagnosed with early stage Glaucoma in one eye this week.  I have been given Xalatan drops to take.  I am loathe to take these because of the side effects.
Do I need to take these?  Are there other alternatives and methods?  Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Hi and welcome to FitEyes.

experimental eye drops containing nerve growth factor

Submitted by varma on Mon, 08/23/2010 - 9:26am

Hi Dave,

I've had glaucoma since my early twenties, 41 now. Thanks for your website, to say it has been helpful is an understatement.

I wanted to bring your attention to some glaucoma news I found while googling, I dont think it is already covered in the news section. Its on experimental eye drops containing NGF's (nerve growth factor) which work a bit like stemcells if i understand it correctly. In the small scale experiment lost vision has been (partially )recovered. It sure sounds like a miracle cure.

The influence of topically applied benzalkonium chloride on ocular flare measurements

Submitted by Vincent on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 4:33pm

About 10 years ago I've visited my ophthalmologist for the first time when I suffered from herpes zoster (also known as zona) in the facial area, close to my right eye. It was then, for the first time in my life, my eye pressure was measured. She noticed an elevated eye pressure and asked me whether I had family members suffering from glaucoma (I dont have any btw). We didn't pay much of attention to the IOP at that time as the primary reason for visiting the ophthalmologist was to treat the herpes zoster infection in order to protect the right eye.

Top 10 Reasons For Not Taking Your Glaucoma Eye Drops

Submitted by JohnJohn on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 3:32pm


Dr. Amy Hennessy of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in Baltimore stated "Getting eyedrops into the eye is not the same as asking a patient to swallow a pill, or use a skin cream. It's easier said than done."


Consider 64% of glaucoma patients state they follow physcian's instructions "Extremely closely". Yet :


Submitted by Amanda on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 11:07am

Your eyes bother you. So you go down to the drug store and buy a bottle of artificial tears. There are so many brands you really don't know which one is best. Or you trust your eye doctor who may prescribe an eye drop for glaucoma or who recommends an over-the-counter eye drop for your dry, red, itchy, burning eyes. To keep the ingredients from spoiling, manufacturers add preservatives. It is these preservatives, even in doses as small as 1/10th of 1 percent, that are a cause for concern.

N-acetylcarnosine for cataract and/or glaucoma ???

Submitted by ralehmann on Mon, 03/01/2010 - 12:04am

Has anyone tried Can-C eye drops (N-acetylcarnosine, or NAC) for cataract, and, if so, did it help?  The Russian scientist who developed the drops also hints that  NAC is also beneficial for glaucoma (results not yet published), and I read one testimonial claim that floaters went away along with the cataract.  Dr. Ritch discusses NAC in his complementary medicine article, and provides footnotes for the Russian research. ???


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