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New iCare ONE Tonometer Designed for Home Eye Pressure Monitoring

Submitted by dave on Wed, 05/27/2009 - 12:13pm

Icare ONE home tonometer for measuring eye pressureThis is the new iCare ONE tonometer designed for home eye pressure monitoring (self-tonometry). Click the image for a larger view.

UPDATE 2010: please read Are handheld or portable tonometers appropriate for home eye pressure monitoring? I am no longer recommending the Icare tonometer, as explained in the comments below. I will be happy to speak with you and tell you what I like and don't like about it. However, experience has proven to me that most people are better off using another tonometer for home eye pressure monitoring. Now, back to the original article.

As readers of know, the current iCare model is my personal favorite tonometer for self-tonometry. [EDIT: that was true in 2007. It is not true today.] However, the current model is not as easy to use as the Reichert tonometer, so I still recommend Reichert tonometers most frequently. This new iCare ONE looks to solve that learning curve, as it is designed for home use from the ground up and should be easy to use.

There is also a new iCare Pro version, which is probably the tonometer I will end up using personally.

Below is the product information on the iCare ONE from the manufacturer.

The ONE and only tonometer for easy self measuring and glaucoma screening

Designed and recommended for:

  • Home use by glaucoma patients who need regular IOP monitoring.
  • Glaucoma screening by opticians, pharmacies, communal and occupational health centers etc.

Price and quality features include:

  • Economical unit prize
  • High standard professional quality by using proven and reliable rebound technology
  • Fully compatible with the new Icare® PRO device and Icare® LINK software

New features developed for easy use without assistance:

  • The indicator displays 11 different pressure zones between 5 – 50 mmHg allowing a leeway of approx 3 mmHg per each measurement zone (e.g. 14-18, 18-21, 21-24)
  • Clear warning signals for high IOP, no complex instructions
  • Two adjustable support elements and an eye cup for self measuring
  • A built in inclination sensor that calibrates the result automatically
  • Automatic settings for multiple measurements or just one measurement at a time
  • All measuring results stored in the tonometer’s memory for easy access with Icare LINK software (chargeable accessory)
    • Exact result
    • Quality of each individual measuring
    • Date & time of day

home eye pressure monitoring with iCare ONEThis tonometer will first be shown at an industry conference in Europe in June. It will first be shown in the US at the World Glaucoma Congress in Boston starting July 8th 2009.

The manufacturer expects to introduce the product to market in September 2009. However, personally, I think it is wise to count on delays in the introduction. I will be surprised if we see this tonometer make it onto the US market before 2010. (Hopefully, I will be proven wrong in this opinion.)

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