glaucoma specialists

Leading Medical Specialists From Around the World Coalesce Around Home Monitoring For Glaucoma Patients

Submitted by dave on Fri, 07/11/2014 - 9:32pm

Leading Medical Specialists Support Self-Monitoring of Eye Pressure by Glaucoma Patients; Home Monitoring has Potential to Transform Glaucoma Treatment, Says Co-Author of Recent Journal Article self-tonometry eye pressure monitoringGrowing recognition among leading ophthalmologists and glaucoma specialists of an alternative option for measuring pressure in the eye may offer new hope for four million Americans – and millions more people worldwide – who risk permanent blindness, says a co-author of a recent article in the Survey of Ophthalmology.

Laser Surgery

Submitted by andrea on Mon, 08/04/2008 - 7:46am

I wonder if anyone has experience with this laser surgery for glaucoma. My IOP's range fropm 12 to 17. I have been getting a great deal of vision loss at this range. I guess the laser would lower it even more??? How low can it go? This is really sort of scary as I though my pressures were low. Ususally they are 12 to 15. I did check with one of the chain vision places about refular and frequent checks and they said they dont do that unless you are actively using their services. I guess this means 'full service.' If anyone knows about this laser stuff it would be great to hear. Thanks

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