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Scientist Discovers New Structure Inside The Eye

Submitted by FitEyesAdmin on Thu, 06/13/2013 - 12:35pm

By: Live Science Staff
Published: 06/12/2013 07:13 AM EDT on LiveScience

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown layer lurking in the human eye.

The newfound body part, dubbed Dua's layer, is a skinny but tough
structure measuring just 15 microns thick, where one micron is
one-millionth of a meter and more than 25,000 microns equal an inch. It
sits at the back of the cornea, the sensitive, transparent tissue at the
very front of the human eye that helps to focus incoming light, researchers say.

Astaxanthin, a dietary carotenoid, protects retinal cells

Submitted by FitEyesAdmin on Tue, 05/17/2011 - 9:54pm

Attached is an interesting study regarding "Astaxanthin" in the neuro protection of retinal cells (which could have implications for glaucoma). This was forwarded to me by a fiteyes member. A little research shows that there are some micro algae based supplements for obtaining this - In light of modern toxins, I am a little hesitant with consuming the amount of seafood that is probably necessary for getting this naturally in the diet.

Brian A. Francis, MD in CA, USA Supports Home Eye Pressure Monitoring

Submitted by FitEyesAdmin on Mon, 02/14/2011 - 10:26pm

A FitEyes member has recommended Brian A. Francis, MD, MS after trying six other glaucoma specialists who were not to her liking. The FitEyes member has just purchased her own tonometer and will be using it with the full support of Dr. Francis.


Title: Associate Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology

Department: Department of Ophthalmology

Locations: Doheny Eye Institute

Areas of Treatment:

Clusterin - antioxidant is in the research spotlight

Submitted by FitEyesAdmin on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 9:18am

Shin YJ , Kim JH , Seo JM Protective effect of clusterin on oxidative stress-induced cell death of human corneal endothelial cells. Mol Vis. 2009 Dec 16;15:2789-95.

PURPOSE: To investigate the protective effect of clusterin on oxidative stress-induced cell death of human corneal endothelial cells.

How to unsubscribe

Submitted by FitEyesAdmin on Tue, 12/08/2009 - 6:10pm

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Home Eye Pressure Monitoring Recommended

Submitted by FitEyesAdmin on Sat, 09/12/2009 - 3:38pm

Millions of people around the world should be monitoring their eye pressure (intraocular pressure) at home, according to health organizations (such as  International Society for Self-Tonometry (ISST)) that are issuing recommendations on what to do and how to do it. Many experts, such as Dr.

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