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vitamin c solution as an eye drop for glaucoma

Submitted by tanya on Wed, 04/20/2011 - 10:29am

I understand that one can get a solution of 10% vitamin c plus some other ingredients from a compound pharmacy to reduce the iop. Has anyone tried that? if one has self-tonometer, then it would be easy to test the iop before and after the vitamin c drops. What are your thoughts?



glaucoma damage rate?

Submitted by manoj644 on Mon, 04/18/2011 - 8:28pm

Can you please explain or give some information on the damage rate of glaucoma over a span of time ?

For eg:- if today my loss is 70% and if i maintain my IOP below 20 or even below 15, how much time will it take for the damage to go to 75%.

i mean i want to know that if i control my IOP how long can i save my eyesight, just a general idea, exact figure not necessary.

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Ocular perfusion pressure and glaucoma risk

Submitted by Bailey on Sun, 04/17/2011 - 6:17pm

I am posting this from the Fiteyes google group.

Lita wrote,

(I am posting an exerpt to link because medscape requires a login)

Are there vascular risk factors for glaucoma, such as vascular disease, hypertension, vasospasm, and ocular perfusion pressure (OPP, the difference between systolic, diastolic, or mean arterial blood pressure and ocular pressure)?

Atrial fibrillation

Submitted by jarek on Sun, 04/17/2011 - 12:36pm

Discussions about low blood pressure provoked me to think about atrial fibrilation. It's a condition in which heart sometimes beats too frequently and inefficiently which effects in lowering of the blood pressure. The lowering is so significant that it makes some direct dangers to peoples' lifes. And in many cases it's happening without being diagnosed or even noticed.

Vitamin D Protects Against Age-Related Vision Loss

Submitted by Bailey on Mon, 04/11/2011 - 6:45pm

This is very interesting. It seems like vitamin D is proving to be important in preventing a number of diseases.

For Women Under 75, Extra Vitamin D Could Ward Off Macular Degeneration 

April 11, 2011

Interesting Article

Submitted by Davis on Wed, 04/06/2011 - 4:09pm

I thought this might be an interesting article for all.

20 years ago a doctor declared my IOP to be uncontrollable and I would go blind (I had a penetrating injury to my eye). He told me that eventually I would lose my eye. As a 20 year old I baulked at the idea and told him that I wanted to keep my eye even as painful as it was because one day they might be able to restore my sight. His response was,"the day they can restore your vision will be the day that they can product a race of human clones and that is way beyond your lifetime". Hmmm...

Information on Turbobridge Phone Conferencing

Submitted by Bailey on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 10:50am

We have an excellent phone conferencing provider that we plan on using for phone based interactive meetings.

There are many ways around having to pay long distance charges to our conference call in number:

1) There is a list of  toll free access numbers for some major cities, and they can be found here (sorry, we are not setup for the main toll free 800 number)..

NEW! First meeting of Fiteyes Interative Group!

Submitted by Bailey on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 9:46am

  • TOPIC: "Dealing with a Glaucoma Diagnosis." I will be the moderator for the first meeting, and this may end up being the first part of a two part topic. This meeting will be a phone conference.
  • DATE AND TIME:  8:15 - 9:15 pm EDT (Miami time) Thursday  April 14, 2011. The main part of the meeting is planned for an hour, but for those who wish to hang around, we plan to have an approximate ½ hour informal sharing time afterward.

The effect of measurement order between right and left eyes

Submitted by Bailey on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 7:14am

Effect of Measurement Order Between Right and Left Eyes on Intraocular Pressure Measurement

Melike Pekmezci, MD; Sidney T. Chang, MD; Bradley S. Wilson, MA; Mae O. Gordon, PhD; Anjali M. Bhorade, MD, MSCI

Arch Ophthalmol. 2011;129(3):276-281. doi:10.1001/archophthalmol.2011.33

my approach to glaucoma: pH and ionized calcium

Submitted by robekb on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 3:42am

These days I am going very slowly with my glaucoma quest. Lots of other work and stress. Nonetheless I seem to have found what I think is a promising approach. The only one so far where a direct cause and relationship (higher or lower IOP) appears to exist. Here it is in a nutshell:

Ionized calcium and pH is the key I think. First about ionized calcium:

- acidosis increases ionized calcium

- IOP is usually higher in acidosis

- ionized calcium is higher in hypothermia (low body temperature)

Prudence, Horror and Intraocular Pressure

Submitted by dave on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 5:21pm

Recently we had a discussion on the FitEyes email list about experimenting with glaucoma medications. As part of that discussion, people expressed that they were horrified or fearful. At least one person responded by advocating a prudent stance. I certainly do not disagree with the advice given. In fact, I think everyone who responded to the original post was in agreement that the thing the original questioner contemplated was totally inappropriate for the person's skill level. So that was the end of that discussion, rightly so.

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Turn yourself into wine

Submitted by dave on Wed, 03/30/2011 - 3:45pm

This captures a lot of what glaucoma means to me. Iti captures my experience of the initial bitterness of glaucoma eventually becoming sweet. Glaucoma positively changed me to my core. Glaucoma has enriched my life beyond anything I could ever have imagined. By the way, Joanna Macy is worth reading.

Is there a cure?

Submitted by son1wof1cm on Tue, 03/29/2011 - 7:52am

Hello, this is time that i am contacting you. I have recently been diagnosed with Glaucoma in my left eye only. This was very puzzling to my eye care specialist. The pressure in my left eye was 31. He prescribed drops (Cumigan and Lumigan) and stated that the problem could not be reversed but could only be slowed down and definitely not cured. Is there a cure?

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FitEyes Online Interactive Group - Planning Questionnaire

Submitted by Bailey on Mon, 03/28/2011 - 3:11pm

Fiteyes is pleased to announce the launching of a glaucoma online audio/video ‘learn and share’ group! Our first session is scheduled for the second week in April. We welcome your feedback. Current topic ideas include:

Researchers find eye development error causing cataracts, glaucoma.

Submitted by Eileen on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 6:34pm

A Jackson Laboratory research team, working in collaboration with researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, show that RNA granules--key players in messenger RNA (mRNA) processing--can affect eye development, leading to juvenile cataracts in humans and mice.

The research, published in the March 25 issue of Science, also demonstrates the first connection between RNA granules and glaucoma, as the humans and mice in the study developed glaucoma.

zinc status, glutamate toxicity, iop

Submitted by osip7315 on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 5:46am

i hope david doesn't mind me using his message board like this, but i find it useful to post and think through research i am reading

the primary mechanism of damage is excess glutamate on the optic nerves and also presumably the retinal ganglion

now injury to the nerves inducts the release of glutamate

IOP Going Up At Night

Submitted by kmax1940 on Wed, 03/23/2011 - 2:45pm

 Have had pressure pretty much under control for over 20 yrs with drops.

Lately the pressure has been up some in my only good eye.

Especially at night.  I will use the 3 drops... then if I wake up a few hours laters the IOP is up.

Any tips on keeping it down at night?

I have been sleeping with head elevated... but I tried it both ways and it does not seem to make much of a difference either way.


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