Goldmann applanation tonometer

Goldmann Applanation Tonometry Video

Submitted by dave on Thu, 10/15/2009 - 2:22pm

Dr. Robert Ritch say that while this is not a perfect video, "I don’t know of a better video on tonometry."

Dear all,
Please go to link below to see my uploaded video on 'APPLANATION TONOMETRY' on youtube
Dr. Manav Deep Singh

The specific limitations I see are:

Can we estimate our eye pressure with our finger?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/07/2009 - 10:37am

I am trying right now to get a feel of my pressure by just touchng the eyes with my index fingers. I can tell if it's high or low but I would like to become very accurate with the help of a tonometer. Which one do you recommend and what the difference in mg with for example a Goldman, Thanks.

The Air Puff Tonometer Is Not Very Accurate

Submitted by dave on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 9:31pm

I believe that, when used skillfully, the air puff tonometer can be very accurate in a wide variety of conditions. It is a powerful instrument for self-tonometry. Naturally, I had something to say when I saw a message where someone wrote the following:

The air-puff [tonometer] is not very accurate at all.

I suggested they see this previous article on tonometers. In this current article, I will elaborate on my tonometer experiences.

Assessment of True Intraocular Pressure

Submitted by dave on Mon, 06/09/2008 - 6:47pm

"This may be the beginning of the end of the GAT as the gold standard for measuring IOP." -- Etsuo Chihara, MD, PhD

This quote comes from the author of the following paper, published in Survey of Ophthalmology (Surv Ophthalmol. 2008 May-Jun;53(3):203-18): Assessment of true intraocular pressure: the gap between theory and practical data

White Coat Ocular Hypertension In One Eye

Submitted by dave on Sun, 06/03/2007 - 3:45pm

White coat hypertension (or white coat syndrome) is a widely recognized blood pressure phenomenon. However, white coat ocular hypertension is not yet recognized by the medical community. One of the first reports of white coat ocular hypertension was published Tuesday, April 24, 2007 here on my blog in an article titled White Coat Syndrome for Eye Pressure.

Today's article represents a follow up to that first report. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if my intraocular pressure is again different when measured in the doctors office compared to when measured at home.

I define white coat ocular hypertension as a situation where patients exhibit elevated eye pressure (intraocular pressure) in the doctor's office but lower eye pressure at home (or in similar situations where they are comfortable). Patients with white coat ocular hypertension will often experience elevated eye pressure under stressful situations other than the physician's office. My data reported below and in the first report of white coat ocular hypertension fit this definition well.

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