
Homeopathy and Astrology

Submitted by Sojourner on Tue, 07/28/2009 - 10:16am

I was very disappointed to see a reference to [homeopathic ophthalmology] in  The worst view of homeopathy is that it is quackery; the less scathing one is that it is not "evidence based medicine". 

What next? Will we see links to astrologers and aromatherapists who lay claim to curing eye diseases?

NOTE: Please read this comment for the FitEyes perspective: (requires free registration)

My Inbox - What is an IOP Querent?

Submitted by dave on Sat, 08/04/2007 - 1:02pm

Today the following email arrived in my inbox via a post to a glaucoma support group. This email gives me an opportunity to answer some questions, including the original of the name of my (former) blog, The IOP Querent.

David:  Greetings!

I read your very interesting blog this morning.

Here are a couple of questions:

What exactly is your background?  Your blog says that you are the
director of a research organization.  Are you a physician?
Biochemist, etc?

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