
Magnesium and its affects on my IOP

Submitted by dsaito on Sat, 04/23/2011 - 10:53am

I decided to test out my theory re: calcium and magnesium and I can say with certainty if I take a calcium supplement prior to bed, my IOP will spike the next morning.  

Going on the theory that calcium and magnesium act as opposites in the body, I have been taking magnesium supplements prior to bed. 

I am using Peter Gillham's Natural Calm.  He offers products with calcium and magnesium blended as well as magnesium alone. 

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Calcium and Magnesium affects on IOP

Submitted by dsaito on Sun, 01/16/2011 - 2:09pm

I saw an interesting program on television where a woman giving birth went into a very serious seizure.  The doctors were scrambling to find magnesium to handle the seizure, but they were out!  They searched and searched and finally found some.  The magnesium was administered via IV.  Once the magnesium was administered the seizure stopped.  However, the patient become unresponsive and was unconcious.  They had found in their rush to find the magnesium, they had administered too much.   Luckily the lead doctor was studying recently for an exam, and knew the antidote to magnesium overdose is

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