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Kindness As A Tool for Managing Eye Pressure

Submitted by dave on Wed, 01/20/2010 - 1:26pm

Yesterday I saw some discussions that reminded me of the profound discovery I made several years ago in my own intraocular pressure data. I observed, time and time again, that simply disagreeing with another individual in an online forum would raise my intraocular pressure. (This effect does not require arguing -- simply disagreeing in a polite manner is often enough.) This is a universal phenomenon.

Panic attacks, adrenal exhaustion, eye pressure and consciousness

Submitted by dave on Sun, 01/17/2010 - 2:01pm

FitEyes post about the healing power of consciousnessLow blood pressure can be a problem for glaucoma patients because it results in insufficient blood supply to the optic nerve.

A lot of glaucoma patients suffer from anxiety, stress, panic attacks and other similar issues. Those issues lead to adrenal fatigue and adrenal exhaustion. And adrenal fatigue/exhaustion can lead to low blood pressure (hypotension).

Sleeping position alters intraocular pressure

Submitted by dave on Wed, 12/30/2009 - 5:45pm

How we sleep can raise or lower IOP

Patients with glaucoma often ask what they can do to favorably impact their disease. These patients are eager to engage in beneficial activities and to avoid detrimental activities to save their optic nerve from glaucoma. Unfortunately, most of glaucoma’s known risk factors are not modifiable—such as age, race, and family history. In glaucoma management, there is little credible data supporting any role of nutritional supplements, avoidance of certain exposures such as caffeine or smoking, or alternative interventions such as acupuncture. Doctors’ standard answer is usually to encourage patients to continue using their medications as prescribed and to keep their follow-up appointments faithfully.
Some new research presented at the May 2009 annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., suggests that there may be a new modifiable risk factor within the patient’s ability to control: sleeping position.

Read more:

Caveat: this article ignores ocular perfusion pressure. It is quite possible that the conclusions discussed in this article are incorrect. Sleeping with the head elevated may reduce IOP but it may also reduce blood flow to the optic nerve (and brain) and thereby reduce ocular perfusion pressure. It is quite possible that sleeping with the head elevated may do a glaucoma patient more harm than good. But read the article for one perspective.

Detective Work Required - Eye Pressure Going Up While On Relaxing Vacation

Submitted by dave on Sat, 12/26/2009 - 2:31pm

For many glaucoma patients, a vacation can present an opportunity to do some good thinking, maybe reflect on our direction in life or mentally solve some important questions that have been in the back of our mind but ignored because of our busy schedules.

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Problem with emails

Submitted by dave on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 3:26pm

I have just learned that has exceeded our email sending limit. Our ability to send emails has been suspended for at least 24 hours.

I will have to make a decision about either upgrading our email services (at additional cost) or limiting the emails that we send out. In the mean time, I apologize for this inconvenience.

The fight over the future of food

Submitted by dave on Tue, 11/10/2009 - 4:41pm

This is an interesting article that continues a topic worthy of greater discussion.

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON/MILAN (Reuters) - At first glance, Giuseppe Oglio's farm near Milan looks like it's suffering from neglect. Weeds run rampant amid the rice fields and clover grows unchecked around his millet crop.

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Future Step For Self-Tonometry Research with Brain Computer Interface

Submitted by dave on Tue, 11/10/2009 - 9:25am

I am working on plans to take my self-tonometry research to the next level by incorporating physiological monitoring with frequent self-tonometry. I have been focusing on using heart rate variability as a measure of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The goal of this is to correlate changes in intraocular pressure with changes in ANS state. My preliminary work looks promising. Tools to monitor ECG-accurate heart rate variability are affordable to people engaged in self-tonometry research.

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Goldmann Applanation Tonometry Video

Submitted by dave on Thu, 10/15/2009 - 2:22pm

Dr. Robert Ritch say that while this is not a perfect video, "I don’t know of a better video on tonometry."

Dear all,
Please go to link below to see my uploaded video on 'APPLANATION TONOMETRY' on youtube
Dr. Manav Deep Singh

The specific limitations I see are:

I love responding to questions about self-tonometry

Submitted by dave on Sat, 10/03/2009 - 11:40am

I love responding to questions about self-tonometry. I prefer this to writing blog posts in a vacuum. If you have been a long time reader of, you have probably noticed that the trend lately is that my detailed responses are coming in the form of replies to posts that other people have made. I prefer it this way. I want to thank everyone who is making posts and asking questions. Please continue to do so!

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FDA says Allergan eyelash drug promotion is misleading-it's about time!

Submitted by dave on Fri, 09/18/2009 - 7:22am

Allergan's Latisse is a repackaged version of its Lumigan glaucoma drug. Many of us taking glaucoma eye drops would love to be able to stop using them due to the side effects. I find it disturbing that Allergan hopes to earn $500 million per year in revenue from selling this glaucoma drug as a means to lengthen eye lashes for cosmetic purposes. Sure, there are some individuals who have a genuine need for such a medication, but in order to reach their $500 million sales target, Allergan is going to have to sell a lot of this drug to average people without a genuine medicine need for it.

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One of the Key Herbs that Prevents and Treats Swine Flu

Submitted by dave on Thu, 09/17/2009 - 11:02am

Ayurveda, India’s traditional 'science of life,' has the remedy for swine flu in the form of the basil leaves commonly known as Tulsi.

Tulsi is well known in India for its remarkable healing properties. But the anti-flu property of Tulsi has been discovered by medical experts across the world quite recently. Tulsi improves your body's overall defense mechanism, including its ability to fight viral diseases.
Apart from acting as a preventive medicine, Tulsi can also help a patient recover faster


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