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IOP pressure after dialation

Submitted by billym on Mon, 07/14/2008 - 10:35pm

 For the last few months, I was keeping my pressure down around 17/18 without using my xalatan. However I went to the doctor the other day and he dialated my eyes ( I hate dialation) and my eyes were feeling a little funny so I went and checked the pressure today and it was 22/23 so I used xalatan tonight.  Has anyone else experience  increased IOP pressure after dialation?

Frequent Cell Phone Use Increases Cancer Risk by 50 Percent And Can't Be Good For Eyes

Submitted by dave on Mon, 07/14/2008 - 12:23am

 Frequent cell phone use probably isn't good for any part of the brain -- or the head. It may take several more decades before we fully understand this important issue, but my hunch is that minimizing my use of a cell phone is a smart thing to do. During my pursuit of regeneration in my optic nerves I need every possible edge I can give myself. Given that most experts would give me no chance of regenerating my optic nerves, I certainly do not want to diminish whatever small chance I may have by bombarding my head with potentially harmful radiation.

What foods are bad for your eyes and whats good for your eyes.

Submitted by billym on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 8:25pm

Just wondering what foods are bad for your eyes?  Everybody says carrots are good for your eyes.

I hope watermelon is good for your eyes cause I just ate a lot....Wink

Vitamins and pressure

Submitted by billym on Thu, 07/10/2008 - 11:22pm

I guess I am like a lot of people, I take vitamins in hopes of preventing desease and to feel better. I started taking lots of Leutin and 2 1000mg of bilberry each day since they are supposed to be eye vitamins. I told a friend about the bilberry and he said it made his eyes water and I noticed mine do too.  Has anyone who tests their own pressure ever taken these vitamins to see if they bring the pressure down? 

Relationship between corneal thickness and eye pressure

Submitted by dave on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 8:44am

FitEyes member billym wrote on Wed, Jul 9 2008 12:40 AM:


"My doctor told me that thickness of the eye affects pressure and that because of the thickness of mine, he subtracts 5 from total.  Has anyone else heard this?"

FitEyes Favorites

Submitted by dave on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 8:46pm

Have you used the "favorites" feature yet? You can add any blog article or forum post to your own list of favorites by using the links on each post. This makes it easy to find the post again in the future. You can see your list of favorites in your profile. (Click your user name at the upper right of the page to see your profile.)

One of the Most Important Food and Health Issues We Face - Genetically Modified Foods

Submitted by dave on Sun, 07/06/2008 - 12:26pm

Genetically modified food is a very serious threat to our health. With that in mind, I was very pleased to read the recent news in the case of Percy Schmeiser, a farmer from Saskatchewan Canada,  v Monsanto. Schmeiser's Canola fields were contaminated with Monsanto's Round-Up Ready Canola. On 19 March 2008 Monsanto accepted their responsibility for the genetic contamination of Schmeiser’s canola fields in an out of court settlement between Percy Schmeiser and Monsanto.

Glaucoma Specialist Visit: Eye Pressure and Lying down

Submitted by tsingle999 on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 10:38pm

This is my first blog post and i've never done this before but i thought i would start with what is going on now;

Today i met with my glaucoma specialist and told him a few of the things that have been going on.

1) The Atlas Orthogonal adjustment that eliminated my exercise induced visual field reduction in my right eye. (my right eye has suffered the most nerve damage)

Standard Data Collection Help

Submitted by dave on Wed, 06/25/2008 - 7:26pm

I am attaching a screen shot of some custom software we developed for the Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer. (See below.) This screen shows the current format we are using for the extra information you asked about (ie. activity, emotion, mental state, etc.). You can follow the same format. However, I am OK if you modify this approach in ways that make it more meaningful to you. This screen is still a work in progress and we will also be making a few changes.


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